Saturday, March 24, 2018

Talk About An Insult To Intelligence

Palestinians likely to claim Dead Sea Scrolls at next UNESCO meeting

The request to include the Qumran Caves and Dead Sea Scrolls as their own may be made at the next UNESCO meeting this July, the Simon Wiesenthal Center predicts.
The next “prize” the Palestinians will likely claim as their own at the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) will probably be the archeological site of Qumran and its Dead Sea Scrolls, Shimon Samuels of the Simon Wiesenthal Center said Wednesday, according to The Jerusalem Post.
Addressing a panel on the denial of Jewish history in international organizations at the Global Forum for Combating Antisemitism in Jerusalem, Samuels listed the Palestinians’ “success” at falsely claiming ownership of biblical and cultural sites, the Post reported.
UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee has ascribed to “Palestine” Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity in 2012; the agricultural terraces of Battir, site of the ancient Jewish fortress at Betar, in 2014; and Hebron’s Tomb of the Patriarchs in 2017, the Post noted.
In October 2016, the Committee voted in favor of a resolution denying the millennia-old Jewish connection to Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount and the Western Wall.
“This is yet another absurd resolution against the State of Israel, the Jewish people and historical truth,” Israel’s ambassador to UNESCO Carmel Shama-Hacohen stated at the time. “There is no connection of another people to another place in the world that comes close to the strength and depth of our connection to Jerusalem from a religious, historical and national perspective, a connection that has stood the test of 2,000 years.”
The request to include the Qumran Caves and the Dead Sea Scrolls may be made at the next World Heritage Committee meeting this July in Bahrain, Samuels told the conference, the Postreported.
Already in November 2016, Israel Radio reported that the Palestinians were planning the next stage in their attempted denial of Israel’s history and heritage by preparing to lay claim to the Dead Sea Scrolls at UNESCO.
The scrolls, mostly Hebrew writings from the Second Temple period, were discovered in the Qumran Caves in the environs of the Dead Sea. They include many biblical texts and are believed to have been written by members of a Jewish sect known as the Essenes.

Palestinians Should Not Get Any Money!

Taylor Force Act, cutting US aid to Palestinians over terror funding, signed into law

“I truly appreciate the hard work of the Force family and the many friends of Taylor Force who made it clear to Congress the practice of #PaytoSlay must be stopped,” Sen. Lindsey Graham, who introduced the bill in 2016, tweeted.
The Taylor Force Act, legislation that seeks to cut financial aid to the Palestinian Authority unless it ends its payments to terrorists and their families, has been passed by Congress as part of a massive $1.3 trillion spending bill.
“I truly appreciate the hard work of the Force family and the many friends of Taylor Force who made it clear to Congress the practice of #PaytoSlay must be stopped,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who introduced the bill in 2016, tweeted on Friday.
The legislation is named for a 28-year-old former U.S. serviceman who was stabbed and killed in March 2016 while visiting Israel.
It was approved by the House of Representatives in December. Despite strong bipartisan support, it hit a snag in the Senate over concerns that slashing funding to the P.A. could lead to instability in the region. However, as part of the larger spending bill that would keep the government funded till the end of September, the legislation easily passed both houses of Congress with strong bipartisan support, 256-167 in the House, and 65-32 in the Senate. The Taylor Force Act, which will end U.S. funding to the Palestinian Authority until it ends support for terrorists and their families, does allow for three humanitarian exceptions, including funding for Palestinian water and childhood vaccination programs as well as eastern Jerusalem hospitals. The legislation also does not cut off U.S. assistance to Palestinian Authority security forces.
“Passage of the Taylor Force Act will serve as a shot across the bow to President Abbas, as he must be held accountable for the Palestinian Authority’s record of incitement and subsidizing of terror. It is my hope that by enacting this bill, we can put an end to the Palestinian Authority’s disturbing practice all while honoring the memory and sacrifice of Taylor Force,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said in a statement.
Israeli Ambassador to the U.N. Danny Danon welcomed the passage of the legislation.
“The passage of the Taylor Force Act is an important step towards finally ending the despicable practice of pay to slay & ensuring accountability in the Palestinian Authority,” Danon tweeted.
The Israeli-American Coalition for Action, which worked closely with lawmakers to ensure bipartisan support, also applauded the passage of the Taylor Force Act, saying that this is a “vital piece of legislation advances the prospects for peace and fights terror by conditioning continued U.S. aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA) on the PA ending its repugnant policy of financially rewarding terrorists and their families.”

If We Had Morals, We Would Not Have Random Killings

The Real Reason We Have

 Mass Shootings

Students are evacuated from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, after a shooter opened fire and killed 17 people on Feb. 14. (Photo: Mike Stocker/ZUMA Press/Newscom)
One of the unavoidable tragedies of youth is the temptation to think that what is seen today has always been. Nowhere is this more noticeable than in our responses to the recent Parkland, Florida, massacre.
Part of the responses to those murders are calls to raise the age to purchase a gun and to have more thorough background checks—in a word, to make gun purchases more difficult. That’s a vision that sees easy gun availability as the problem; thus, the solution is to reduce that availability.
The vision that sees “easy” availability as the problem ignores the fact of U.S. history that guns were far more available yesteryear. With truly easy gun availability, there was nowhere near the gun mayhem and murder that we see today.
I’m tempted to ask those who believe that guns are today’s problem whether they think that guns were nicer yesteryear.
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What about the calls for bans on the AR-15 so-called assault rifle? It turns out that, according to 2016 FBI statistics, rifles accounted for 368 of the 17,250 homicides in the U.S. that year. That means restrictions on the purchase of rifles would do little or nothing for the homicide rate.
Leaders of the gun control movement know this. Their calls for more restrictive gun laws are part of a larger strategy to outlaw gun ownership.
Gun ownership is not our problem. Our problem is a widespread decline in moral values that has nothing to do with guns. That decline includes disrespect for those in authority, disrespect for oneself, little accountability for anti-social behavior, and a scuttling of religious teachings that reinforced moral values.
Let’s examine elements of this decline.
If any of our great-grandparents or even grandparents who passed away before 1960 were to return, they would not believe the kind of personal behavior all too common today. They wouldn’t believe that youngsters could get away with cursing and assaulting teachers. They wouldn’t believe that some school districts, such as Philadelphia’s, employ more than 400 school police officers.
During my primary and secondary schooling, from 1942 to 1954, the only time one saw a policeman in school was during an assembly period where we had to listen to a boring lecture on safety. Our ancestors also wouldn’t believe that we’re now debating whether teachers should be armed.
There are other forms of behavior that would have been deemed grossly immoral yesteryear. There are companies such as National Debt Relief, CuraDebt, and LendingTree, which advertise that they will help you to avoid paying all the money you owe. So after you and a seller agree to terms of a sale, if you fail to live up to your half of the bargain, there are companies that will assist you in ripping off the seller.
There are companies that counsel senior citizens on how to shelter their assets from nursing home care costs. For example, a surviving spouse may own a completely paid-for home that’s worth $500,000. The costs of nursing home care might run $50,000 a year.
By selling her house, she could pay the nursing home costs, but her children wouldn’t inherit the house. There are firms that come in to shelter her assets so that she can bequeath her home to her heirs and leave taxpayers to foot the nursing home bill.
In my book, that’s immoral, but it is so common that most of us give it no thought.
There is one moral failing that is devastating to the future of our nation. That failing, which has wide acceptance by the American people, is the idea that Congress has the authority to forcibly use one American to serve the purposes of another American. That is nothing less than legalized theft and accounts for roughly three-quarters of federal spending.
For the Christians among us, we should consider that when God gave Moses the commandment “Thou shalt not steal,” he probably didn’t mean thou shalt not steal unless you get a majority vote in the Congress.

We Cannot Let The Anti-Gunners Win. If We Do, We ALL Lose


Follows in footsteps of Nazis who disarmed Jews before the Holocaust

The “Hitler Youth” invasion of Washington D.C. took place today as young fascists-in-training were corralled into the nation’s capitol to demand that government authoritarians strip away the civil liberties of all law-abiding Americans in the name of “gun control.”
Just like Hitler Youth enthusiasts, these fascists-in-training are told they’re “saving lives” for “a better future,” and that the only thing standing in their way is a bunch of violent gun owners who want to murder every baby in sight. (The irony of all these left-wingers actually condoning the abortion murder of babies, of course, is completely missed in all this.)
What none of these children are being told, of course, is that Hitler took away gun rights from the Jews before exterminating six million of them in the Holocaust. It’s so much easier to commit genocide, Hitler discovered, when the people you’re tying to murder can’t fight back.
Echoing the madness of the Third Reich, the propagandist-in-chief of today’s lunatic Left anti-gun movement is David Hogg, a profanity-laced, foulmouthed student who is seething with anger and seems forever on the verge of outright calling for all gun owners to be exterminated by the government.
Foul-mouthed David Hogg insists all gun owners want to murder children
In a recent interview, shown below, foul-mouthed Hogg, a student at the Parkland school shooting in Florida, says that gun owners and the NRA are “pathetic f##kers who want to keep killing our children” and adds, “They could have blood from children splattered all over their faces and they wouldn’t take action, because they all still see those dollar signs.”
David Hogg’s profanity-laced rant was so obnoxious, arrogant and deranged that YouTube systematically censored all the profanity-laced David Hogg videos in order to protect his public image. (Yes, YouTube is now running interference for David Hogg, making sure his public image is squeaky clean while he ravages gun owners with the most deranged, foul-mouth language imaginable.)
Hogg, who has arisen as the chief propagandist in the left-wing fascist “Hitler Youth” army, is completely opposed to adding security to public schools, even though a recent school shooting was stopped in 60 seconds by an armed security resource officer. It seems like Hogg might actually wants more children to be murdered so that he can get more air time on CNN to push his radical, fascist-like Third Reich call for disarming all the people he personally hates (and wants to destroy).
Watch his video below, which has been repeatedly banned by YouTube. Only D.Tube appears to carry this video at this link:
David Hogg’s armband looks just like the armbands from the Third Reich
Don’t forget that David Hogg was featured in a photo tweet by his sister, Lauren Hogg, promoting new Nazi-like armbands to demand gun confiscation from the American people. “David Hogg And His Sister Create Nazi-Like Armbands To Promote Gun Control,” reports
Lauren Hogg, the younger sister of David Hogg and surprisingly not verified on Twitter, has created special armbands for gun control advocates to wear to school, the March For Our Lives demonstration, and anywhere else you think you can wear it and not get embarrassed. The band, of course, is to be worn on your arm, and the symbol in the middle resembles a peace sign. But does it really?
If the Hogg armband for gun control looks familiar, it should:
And here’s a photo of David Hogg sporting his “peace symbol” Nazi-like armband while demanding gun control:
Many people don’t remember this, but the Nazi symbol (swastika) also began as a peace symbol, but was of course twisted by Adolf Hitler into a symbol of tyranny and genocide. Many of today’s anti-gun Leftists are openly promoting a rainbow variation of the Swastika as a “symbol of peace:”
David Hogg physically resembles Adolf Hitler in fist-pounding salutes, angry speech patterns and more
In today’s rally, David Hogg became a full-fledged propaganda politician-in-training, reading from an obviously scripted speech, full of flowery words and high ideals that covered over his real goal: The complete disarmament of all law-abiding Americans.
Hogg is actually calling for a “revolution” against gun owners, reports ABC News.
What kind of revolution? A violent revolution, of course. “Hogg ended his his speech with the black power salute,” reports The Gateway Pundit.
David Hogg the next Joseph Goebbels?
It’s extraordinary that David Hogg not only uses the same sort of vile, hate-filled rhetoric of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels, but Hogg actually physically resembles Joseph Goebbels as the following photo reveals:
That’s Hitler’s top propagandist on the left, and David Hogg on the right. Both of these figures were heralded by state-run media; both invoke dangerous language of hatred, violence and profanity; and both demand that We the People give up our liberties so that the fascist tyrants can have absolute power and control over everything. They also both claim this is necessary “for the public good” and to “keep the children safe.”
t’s not difficult to see David Hogg replacing the Nazi soldier in this photo, holding the gun and firing a bullet into the head of a conservative Trump supporter while screaming, “IT’S FOR THE CHILDREN!”

The moment you give up your guns, you invite radical left-wing fascists to sweep across the country and commit mass murder and genocide
Once you give up your guns, of course, that’s when tyrannical regimes start cranking up the ovens and waging mass arrests of enemies of the state. Hogg, of course, is too young and ignorant to realize any of this, but he is proclaimed to have almost saint-like status by the anti-gun left-wing media, which despises individual liberties, truth, logic and reason. The very fact that their No. 1 spokesperson for gun control is an 18-year-old angry fascist-in-training tells you just how weak their position really is. (Seriously, this lunatic is the best they can drum up?)
Nobody seems to have told David Hogg that his outrageous rantings and foul-mouthed attacks on gun owners line up almost perfectly with Adolf Hitler, Fidel Castro, Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse-Tung and all the other gun control tyrants that have committed genocide and mass murder throughout history:
If David Hogg wins, America LOSES… and we will all be marched off in chains for daring to protect ourselves against criminals
If you look at the people in history who supported gun rights for individuals, you find a fascinating cross-section of humanitarians and freedom-loving world leaders who changed the world for the better. They include Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi (yes, he supported self-defense) and even Martin Luther King, Jr., as gun rights helped black men arm themselves against racist violence that often targeted them.
The tyrants who supported gun control — like David Hogg — include Kim Jong Il, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler and Barack Obama. All these people sought to strip away individual liberties and enslave their citizens under government control. Taking away their guns was, of course, the first step toward accomplishing that.
It’s important to note that in every single case of tyrannical governments demanding gun confiscation and the mass disarmament of the citizens, the justification given was “public safety.” Once the guns were stripped away, the genocide soon followed.
Apparently, they don’t teach history in public schools anymore. Or perhaps David Hogg received an “F” in history class. Either way, people like Hogg are malicious, dangerous crybullies who have been witnessed throughout history pushing aggressive rhetoric in a run-up to mass genocide and mass murder at the hands of government. Even today, Hogg essentially demands that government use guns to take away firearms from all Americans, thus proving that he’s actually “pro gun violence” as long as that threat of violence is monopolized by the government itself. (Hint: All the “anti-gun” politicians protect themselves with armed security personnel, proving they are pro-gun as long as they control the guns.)
This is the mindset of all totalitarian mass murderers, and David Hogg appears to be unwittingly marching down that same path, in lockstep with the tyrants of world history who ended up with blood on their hands, murdering over 262 million innocent people in just the last century or so. As this “Democide” chart shows, governments murdered over 262 million people in the 20th century, and nearly all these murders were preceded by the exact kind of gun control now being demanded by David Hogg and his cohorts:
Anyone who supports government mass murder should support David Hogg, because that’s precisely where his rhetoric often leads.
Ultimately, gun control is GENOCIDE
Watch my mini-documentary to learn why gun control leads to genocide: