Thursday, October 24, 2019

This Is What Scares Us!

Poll: Support for Impeachment Probe Hits High of 55%

WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 15: (L-R) Representative Mark Meadows (R-NC) and Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA), Chairman of the House Select Committee on Intelligence Committee returns to a closed session before the House Intelligence, Foreign Affairs and Oversight committees October 15, 2019 at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, DC. Kent was …
asos Katopodis/Getty Images

A newly-released poll shows support for the House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump has hit a new high.

According to a Quinnipiac University survey, 55 percent of respondents said they support the impeachment probe, while 43 percent stated they oppose it. The same poll found last week that 51 percent backed the inquiry and 45 percent disapproved it.
Opposition to impeachment remains high among Republicans with nearly nine in ten Republicans, or 88 percent, stating they are against it. Conversely, 93 percent of Democrats approve of the inquiry, as well as 58 percent of independents. Approval for the inquiry climbed eight percent among independents, the poll shows. Further, the survey states President Trump’s approval rating fell under 40 percent for the first time since the probe started as 38 percent of respondents said they approve of his job performance, while 58 percent disapprove.
The poll, which had 1,587 respondents, was conducted between October 17st and 21st and had a margin of error of just over three percent.
The poll comes as House Democrats continue to move swiftly with an inquiry that was launched in the wake of a partisan CIA officer’s so-called “whistleblower” complaint claiming the president pressured the leader of Ukraine to investigate allegations of corruption against former vice president and 2020 candidate Joe Biden and his son, Hunter.
Both President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky have repeatedly denied any pressure was applied to probe the Biden family, and in a nod to transparency, the White House publically released a transcript of the world leaders’ July 25th conversation to show no pressure or quid pro quo occurred.
The survey also comes as House Republicans have reached a breaking point with how House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) has run the closed-door impeachment inquiry.
Laura Cooper, a senior official who oversees Ukraine policy, arrived Wednesday morning on Capitol Hill to appear before the House panels conducting the investigation. Shortly afterward, more than two dozen Republican House members held a news conference outside the secure room in the Capitol where the deposition was taking place.
The Republicans decried that the deposition was happening behind closed doors and said Americans should be able to read the transcripts of any interviews being conducted as part of impeachment.
Republicans then walked into the meeting unannounced, and the deposition was put on hold. The two sides were trying to resolve the standoff, Republicans who left the meeting said.
House Foreign Affairs Committee member Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) said during the press conference:
The members are still there. We want to hear from this witness. But we want our colleagues to hear from this witness, too. Especially those members who are on the House Armed Services Committee. The person coming to testify is from the Department of Defense.
This is more the jurisdiction of the House Armed Services Committee than it is than any of the other three committees [involved in the impeachment inquiry]. But we want the deposition to take place, but we don’t want it to be happening so much in secret that even most of Congress can’t even know what’s going on.
Last week, 184 House Republicans voted in favor of a resolution to censure Schiff for his handling of the impeachment probe.

Now We Are Cooling!

NASA Sees Climate Cooling Trend Thanks to Low Sun Activity

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NASA Sees Climate Cooling Trend Thanks to Low Sun Activity
The climate alarmists just can’t catch a break. NASA is reporting that the sun is entering one of the deepest Solar Minima of the Space Age; and Earth’s atmosphere is responding in kind.
So, start pumping out that CO2, everyone. We’re going to need all the greenhouse gases we can get.
“We see a cooling trend,” said Martin Mlynczak of NASA’s Langley Research Center. “High above Earth’s surface, near the edge of space, our atmosphere is losing heat energy. If current trends continue, it could soon set a Space Age record for cold.”
The new data is coming from NASA’s Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry or SABER instrument, which is onboard the space agency’s Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics (TIMED) satellite. SABER monitors infrared radiation from carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitric oxide (NO), two substances that play a vital role in the energy output of our thermosphere, the very top level of our atmosphere.
“The thermosphere always cools off during Solar Minimum. It’s one of the most important ways the solar cycle affects our planet,” said Mlynczak, who is the associate principal investigator for SABER.
Who knew that that big yellow ball of light in the sky had such a big influence on our climate?
There’s a bit of good news in all of this. When the thermosphere cools, it literally shrinks, therefore reducing aerodynamic drag on satellites in low Earth orbit. In effect, the shrinking thermosphere increases a satellite’s lifetime.
But that appears to be where the good news ends, unless you prefer cold weather and increased space junk. “The bad news,” according to Dr. Tony Phillips, editor of, is: “It also delays the natural decay of space junk, resulting in a more cluttered environment around Earth.”
Mlynczak and his colleagues have created the Thermosphere Climate Index (TCI), which measures how much NO is dumped from the Thermosphere into outer space. During Solar Maximum the TCI number is very high. At times of Solar Minimum, TCI is low.
“Right now, (TCI) is very low indeed,” said Mlynczak. “SABER is currently measuring 33 billion Watts of infrared power from NO. That’s ten times smaller than we see during more active phases of the solar cycle."
SABER has been in orbit for only 17 years, but Mlynczak and the scientists at NASA’s Langley Research Center have been able to recreate TCI measurements back to the 1940s. “SABER taught us how to do this by revealing how TCI depends on other variables such as geomagnetic activity and the sun’s UV output — things that have been measured for decades,” said Mlynczak.
In fact, TCI numbers now, in the closing months of 2018, are very close to setting record lows since measurements began. “We’re not quite there yet,” Mlynczak reports. “but it could happen in a matter of months.”
The new NASA findings are in line with studies released by UC-San Diego and Northumbria University in Great Britain last year, both of which predict a Grand Solar Minimum in coming decades due to low sunspot activity. Both studies predicted sun activity similar to the Maunder Minimum of the mid-17th to early 18th centuries, which coincided to a time known as the Little Ice Age, during which temperatures were much lower than those of today.
If all of this seems as if NASA is contradicting itself, you’re right — sort of. After all, NASA also reported last week that Arctic sea ice was at its sixth lowest level since measuring began. Isn’t that a sure sign of global warming?
All any of this “proves” is that we have, at best, a cursory understanding of Earth’s incredibly complex climate system. So when mainstream media and carbon-credit salesman Al Gore breathlessly warn you that we must do something about climate change, it’s all right to step back, take a deep breath, and realize that we don’t have the knowledge, skill or resources to have much effect on the Earth’s climate. God — and that big yellow ball of light in the sky — have much more impact on our climate than we ever could.

Just My Opinion

Subject: Opinions!!!
Life is not a fairy tale. If you lose your shoe at midnight, you’re probably drunk.

If women are upset at Trump’s naughtiness, who bought 80 million copies of "Fifty Shades of Gray"?

Bill Clinton paid $850,000 to Paula Jones to get her to go away. I don’t remember the FBI raiding his lawyer’s office.

Not one feminist has defended Sarah Sanders. It seems women’s rights only matter if those women are liberal.

They sent more troops and armament to arrest Roger Stone than they sent to defend Benghazi. Think about that. ��

Nancy Pelosi invited illegal aliens to the State of the Union. President Trump Invited victims of illegal aliens to the State of the Union.

Chelsea Clinton got out of college and got a job at NBC that paid $900,000 per year. Her mom flies around the country speaking out about white privilege.

Russia donated $0.00 to the Trump campaign. Russia donated $145,600,000 to the Clinton Foundation. But Trump was the one investigated! Let that sink in.

Maxine Waters opposes voter ID laws; she thinks that they are racist. You need to have a photo ID to attend her town hall meetings. Make sense?

From being against foreign interference in our elections to allowing non-citizens to vote in our elections. No Border Walls. No voter ID laws.

How do you walk 3000 miles across Mexico with no outside support and show up at our border overweight and with a cellphone? Huh?

Pres. Trump’s wall costs less than the Obamacare website.

Let that sink in, Americans.
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez wants to ban cars, ban planes, give out universal income and thinks socialism works. She calls Donald Trump crazy. ��

A socialist is basically a communist who doesn’t have the power to take everything from their citizens at gunpoint ...YET

I wake up every day and I am grateful that Hillary Clinton is not the President of the United States of America.

The same media that told me Hillary Clinton had a 95% chance of winning now tells me Trump’s approval ratings are low.

We are one election away from open borders, socialism, gun confiscation, and full term abortion nationally.

We are fighting evil. Wake up!

60 years ago, Venezuela was 4th on the world economic freedom index. Today, they are 179th and their citizens are dying of starvation. In only 10 years, Venezuela was destroyed by democratic socialism.

President Donald J Trump —"They’re not after me. They’re after you. I’m just in their way." Read that again.

Is SPLC Anti-Semitic?

Pro-Israel Evangelical Group Categorized as “Hate Group” by Southern Poverty Law Center

“You speak to us,” they said to Moshe, “and we will obey; but let not Hashem speak to us, lest we die.” Exodus 20:16 (The Israel Bible™)
Proclaiming Justice to The Nations (PJTN) has recently been placed on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s list of hate groups, which is ironic since PJTN exists to fight the world’s oldest hatred – antisemitism. PJTN has gained wide international media acclaim as it encourages state legislators to act against antisemitism and BDS. However, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) seems to believe that being pro-Israel and against antisemitism is now a hate crime.
In response to the listing, Laurie Cardoza-Moore, president and founder of PJTN commented: “If being pro-Israel and against antisemitism is now considered a hate crime, I will wear the SPLC listing as a badge of honor. Placing Proclaiming Justice to The Nations alongside bigots and Nazis minimizes the true meaning of hate. In reality, PJTN is on the front lines fighting against antisemitism on a daily basis. We will continue to fight hate through our thousands of PJTN Watchmen around the globe. Our answer to this absurd listing will be to open more PJTN chapters in America and fight harder to have antisemitism defined and confronted throughout the free world.”
Cardoza-Moore continued: “The SPLC list has become nothing short of a witch hunt against organizations that don’t share their extremist liberal worldview. Sadly, many institutions still look to the once credible SPLC for advice on hate groups. We hope that being blacklisted will not impede upon our ability to continue defending the Jewish people and Israel against global antisemitism. We will not be marginalized or silenced because of our support for Israel and the Jewish people. This will only strengthen our resolve to work harder. We call upon all of our supporters to write to the SPLC and demand that they immediately remove PJTN from their nefarious list before they lose any credibility they still have as a credible watchdog.”
Proclaiming Justice to The Nations (PJTN), a 501c3 non-profit organization, was established to educate Christians about their Biblical responsibility to stand with their Jewish brethren and Israel against the rise of global anti-Semitism.  Utilizing powerful film and video presentations, a variety of grassroots rallies, events and speaking engagements to facilitate dialogue between the Christian and Jewish communities in support of the State of Israel and against global genocidal anti-Semitism. In recent months the organization has led the struggle against BDS in America with a wave of state resolutions and has exposed textbooks used in U.S. schools that are indoctrinating our children with inaccurate historical information, bias and values that do not reflect our nation’s. Laurie Cardoza-Moore, president of PJTN is the host of the award-winning Evangelical docu-style program Focus On Israel that reaches a weekly global audience of over 2 billion potential viewers in 200 nations.

Free Speech Could Go The Way Of The Buggy Whip!


60 per cent of Millennials says Constitution ‘goes too far’ in allowing free speech.

A new poll has found that a majority of Americans want to re-write the First Amendment to “reflect the cultural norms of today” in order stop “hate speech.”
The survey indicates “free speech is under more threat than previously believed,” according to The Campaign for Free Speech, who conducted the poll.
51 per cent of Americans want to see the First Amendment rewritten while more than 60 per cent agree with restricting free speech in some way.
Nearly 60 per cent of Millennials agreed that the Constitution “goes too far in allowing hate speech in modern America” and should be done over, compared to 48 percent of Gen Xers and 47 percent of Baby Boomers.
Most Millennials also support laws that would make “hate speech” a crime and 54 per cent of those support jail time for offenders.
Almost 60 per cent of respondents also thought that “government should be able to take action against newspapers and TV stations that publish content that is biased, inflammatory, or false,” with 46 per cent supporting possible jail time.
“The findings are frankly extraordinary,” executive director Bob Lystad told the Washington Free Beacon. “Our free speech rights and our free press rights have evolved well over 200 years, and people now seem to be rethinking them.”
The numbers are shocking and reflect a total lack of understanding of the concept of free speech, which is that the very worst speech must be upheld for free speech to exist at all since what’s considered “offensive” or “hate” is entirely subjective.
The Supreme Court has ruled that so-called “hate speech” is part of free speech but the majority of Americans, and especially younger people, have no grasp of this.

Is Trump Headed For Conviction?

SHOCK! 46 GOP Senators REFUSE to rule out impeachment

Are Republicans in the Senate preparing to betray President Donald Trump and back Democrats’ impeachment efforts?
Only seven were willing to go on the record and expressly say, “No.”
It is a dangerous time for the Trump administration. Democrats say the testimony of diplomat William Taylor on Tuesday, including the notes he provided, is proof that Trump committed an impeachable office.

Trump himself said an impeachment trial was a “foregone conclusion” on Monday. [Read more: Trump: ‘I WILL be impeached]
Since Taylor’s testimony, many Republican leaders have been quiet. So conservative news site The Daily Caller called the offices of all 53 GOP senators between Monday and Tuesday and asked if they’d completely ruled out removing Trump from the White House.
The answers they received were surprising. The Daily Caller reported that while almost every Republican criticized House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s impeachment inquiry, only seven went on the record and vowed they would not remove Trump from office.
Sens. Cindy Hyde-Smith, R-M.S., Thom Tillis, R-N.C., Jim Inhofe, R-O.K., Roger Wicker, R-M.S., Mike Rounds, D-S.D., Rob Portman, R-O.H., and Jerry Moran, R-K.S., all explicitly said they would not vote to remove Trump from office.
The other 46 Republican senators gave a variety of answers.

Some said they were willing to look at the evidence if a formal impeachment trial began. Some referred The Daily Caller to previous answers or declined to comment. Many simply didn’t respond to the request for a statement. Still others refused to answer the question based on hypotheticals.
For example, Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-T.N., said he didn’t support the impeachment inquiry because it will divide the country further — but won’t comment on his vote.
“An election, which is just around the corner, is the right way to decide who should be president. Impeachment has never removed a president. It will only divide the country further. If the House impeaches the president, the Senate would be the jury,” Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-T.N., reportedly said. ” There would be many twists and turns between now and a Senate trial. Therefore, as a potential juror, I will have nothing more to say about impeachment until all the evidence is presented and all the arguments are made.”
Sen. Rick Scott, R-F.L., said he would continue to listen to evidence but isn’t convinced Trump committed a crime. Scott also condemned Rep. Adam Schiff’s, D-Calif. impeachment inquiry process.
“No one showed me that there’s a violation of the law,” Scott told The Caller. “The standard is high crimes and misdemeanors. I think this is just the Democrats. They’ve always been wanting to impeach this guy, Trump, since he got elected and this is just the latest example. I’m always going to keep listening to when information comes out. But it’s crazy that they’re doing all this work over there in secret.”

Sen. John Boozman, R-A.R., blasted the impeachment inquiry in a statement — but didn’t rule out removing Trump if the evidence presented at a hypothetical trial were damning.
“The Senate voted unanimously to request that the whistleblower complaint be turned over to the Senate Intelligence Committee,” Boozman said. “This is the responsible manner in which to investigate accusations. The Speaker is ignoring this process with her blatantly partisan tactics. Democrats have long sought to weaken the president, appease their base and further divide the country through impeachment.”
The office of Sen. Susan Collins, R-M.E., reportedly referred The Daily Caller to a previous statement by the senator.
“I am amazed that some of my colleagues have already made up their minds one way or the other before all the evidence is in and before the facts are known,” Collins had said. “I think that’s entirely inappropriate whether they’re for impeachment or against impeachment. under the constitution, the role of the senator is to act as a juror and that’s what I did in the case of the impeachment trial of Bill Clinton and should this come before us, and I think it will, that’s what I will do here.”

Senate Leader Mitch Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-K.Y., told reporters on Tuesday he would have no control over an impeachment trial.
“It wouldn’t be up to me,” McConnell said in a press conference Tuesday. “Unlike other processes in the Senate, the majority leader does not really have ball control here.”
He said there “are all kinds of potentials” for trial, depending on what articles of impeachment House Democrats send to the Senate.
McConnell said he was planning a sitdown with Senator Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., to agree on a process, but said the “balls and strikes” of an impeachment trial would be under the control of Supreme Court Justice John Roberts.
“I don’t see anybody in all of this who would be able to control the process,” McConnell said. “At some point, it ends. I have no idea how long this will go on.”
What do you think?

America., As We Know It, Will Soon Fail

US in Moral Decline

In 1798, John Adams, a leading Founding Father and our second president, said: "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." (Photo: David McNew/Getty Images)
Attorney General William Barr last week told a University of Notre Dame Law School audience that attacks on religious liberty have contributed to a moral decline that’s in part manifested by increases in suicides, mental illness, and drug addiction.
Barr said that our moral decline is not random but “organized destruction.” Namely: “Secularists and their allies have marshaled all the forces of mass communication, popular culture, the entertainment industry, and academia in an unremitting assault on religion and traditional values.”
The attorney general is absolutely correct.
Whether we have the stomach to own up to it or not, we have become an immoral people left with little more than the pretense of morality. The left’s attack on religion is just the tiny tip of the iceberg in our nation’s moral decline.
You say: “That’s a pretty heavy charge, Williams. You’d better be prepared to back it up with evidence!”
I’ll try with a few questions for you to answer.
Do you believe that it is moral and just for one person to be forcibly used to serve the purposes of another? And, if that person does not peaceably submit to such use, do you believe that there should be the initiation of force against him?
Neither question is complex and can be answered by either a yes or no. For me, the answer is no to both questions. I bet that nearly every college professor, politician, or even minister could not give a simple yes or no response.
A no answer, translated to public policy, would slash the federal budget by no less than two-thirds to three-quarters. After all, most federal spending consists of taking the earnings of one American to give to another American in the form of farm subsidies, business bailouts, aid to higher education, welfare, and food stamps.
Keep in mind that Congress has no resources of its own. Plus there’s no Santa Claus or tooth fairy that gives Congress resources. Thus, the only way that Congress can give one American a dollar is first, through intimidation and coercion, to confiscate that dollar from some other American.
Such actions by the U.S. Congress should offend any sense of moral decency.
If you’re a Christian or a Jew, you should be against the notion of one American living at the expense of some other American. When God gave Moses the Eighth Commandment—”Thou shalt not steal”—I am sure that he did not mean thou shalt not steal unless there is a majority vote in the Congress.
By the way, I do not take this position because I don’t believe in helping our fellow man. I believe that helping those in need by reaching into one’s own pocket to do so is praiseworthy and laudable. But helping one’s fellow man in need by reaching into somebody else’s pockets to do so is worthy of condemnation.
We must own up to the fact that laws and regulations alone cannot produce a civilized society. Morality is society’s first line of defense against uncivilized behavior. Religious teachings, one way of inculcating morality, have been under siege in our country for well over a half a century.
In the name of not being judgmental and the vision that one lifestyle or set of values is just as good as another, traditional moral absolutes have been abandoned as guiding principles. We no longer hold people accountable for their behavior and we accept excuses.
The moral problems Barr mentioned in his speech—plus murder, mayhem, and other forms of anti-social behavior—will continue until we regain our moral footing.
In 1798, John Adams, a leading Founding Father and our second president, said: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
I am all too afraid that a historian, writing a few hundred years from now, will note that the liberty America enjoyed was simply a historical curiosity. Then it all returned to mankind’s normal state of affairs—arbitrary abuse and control by the powerful elite.