Friday, January 15, 2021

Brilliant Idea On How To Deal With Social Media


Poland defies Social Media Giants with Massive Fines


The Polish government has passed a new law that would fine social media companies $2.2 million every time they censor lawful speech on their platforms.

Under its provisions, social media services will not be allowed to remove content or block accounts if they do not break Polish law.

Image: Facebook (ironically!)

In the event of removal or blockage, a complaint can be sent to the platform, which will have 24 hours to consider it. Within 48 hours of the decision, the user will be able to file a petition to the court for the return of access. The court will consider complaints within seven days of receipt and the entire process is to be electronic.

Polish Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro made clear that the legal initiative is designed to fight censorship.

This sounds like a genius idea to us! We were kicked off Twitter months ago in the early stages of the anti-conservative, anti-skeptic, anti-lockdown, pro-life, pro-gun, pro-Trump purge. We didn’t lie about anything but they silenced us anyway!

What do you think? Should we fine the asshats at Twitter, FB, etc. when they break our law, notably the First Amendment?



The Democratic Reign of Terror Has Begun

democrats and the removal of the confederate flag

Pelosi, House Democrats Address Media At U.S. Capitol. Flanked by other House Democrats, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C.,  Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss. and others during a news conference on the Confederate flag July 9, 2015 on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. (Alex Wong/Getty Images)

By Thursday, 14 January 2021 12:05 PMCurrent | Bio | Archive

Like Maximilien Robespierre, Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden are taking no prisoners.

A new Democratic reign of terror is upon us, endangering our free speech, free press, political playing field, and personal liberty.

Watch your back.

The Democrats are using the outrageous and unsupportable Capital riot the same way that the Reichstag Fire of 1933 was used — as a pretext for an authoritarian crackdown in Germany.

The re-impeachment of President Trump and the banning of his emails, tweets, texts and Facebook posts are merely the first examples of a growing authoritarianism.

But the threat of punitive actions and censorship in this new reign of terror hangs over us all.

  • Will we be banned from using the communication tools of modern technology? Will Twitter, Amazon, and other tech giants determine what messages and what content can be sent out?
  • Will books we would like to read be dropped by their publishers because of the author’s lawful constitutional activities?
  • Will our favorite cable TV news stations have to face organized boycotts by their advertisers or be banned by cable systems if they criticize the election of the government?
  • Will the left use "lawfare" to sue frivolously for defamation, bankrupting their opponents with legal fees to defend their right of free speech
  • Will the Democrats equate our political speech in even mentioning vote fraud issues and election irregularities with sedition, subjecting us to fines or imprisonment just for challenging the election of 2020?

That is the new premise of the coming Democratic reign of terror: That political statements charging that the election of 2020 was stolen or riddled with fraud are, by themselves, inciting violence by Trump supporters.

This approach harks back to efforts to suppress opposition to the World War I draft, the Alien and Sedition Acts passed by John Adams in 1798, and the 1954 law criminalizing membership in the American Communist Party (Communist Control Act of 1954).

All three laws tried to criminalize political speech and activities as seditious. They were all equally offensive to our Bill of Rights.

The Democratic reign of terror first targeted our President and is now trickling down to every citizen and organization that opposes the Democratic left.

We see it as the left attempts to frame the remarks of Sens. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Josh Hawley, R-Mo., — and those of President Trump and his supporters — as incendiary, false, and designed to cause a riot, thereby allowing them to criminalize it.

But bear in mind:

  • Trump never advocated entering, much less taking over, the Capitol building and always explicitly opposed violence.
  • The charge that he "incited" the riots only refers to his peaceful exercise of free speech, denouncing the election of 2020 as the result of fraud and saying that it was “stolen.” Whether you agree with his statement or not, that is the essence of free speech that is protected by the First Amendment.
  • Impeachment has been a vengeful kick while the President is down. A purely symbolic act, removal from office is a logistical impossibility within the time remaining until inauguration day. Although the Speaker and her minions claim that President Trump is so dangerous to the country that he must be removed immediately, they speak of sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate in months with a trial to follow!

The reign of terror rolls on.

The publishing firm of Simon & Schuster abruptly decided to drop Sen. Hawley’s new book, "The Tyranny of Big Tech."

The publisher said, "We take seriously our larger public responsibility as citizens, and cannot support Senator Hawley after his role in what became a dangerous threat to our democracy and freedom."

Note that Simon & Schuster published anti-Trump bestsellers by Bob Woodward, Mary Trump, and John Bolton.

What was Hawley’s role in the rioting?

After protesters surrounded his home, banging on the door and threatening his wife and newborn daughter, he said: "Violence is not how you achieve change, violence is not how you achieve something better." 

And the Terror may soon call former Trump staffers to the journalistic guillotine.

Randall Lane, Forbes’ chief content officer, announced that Forbes Media itself was "holding those who lied for Trump accountable."

Lane mentioned five top Trump aides as examples of "the people paid by the People to inform the People."

His hit list includes former White House press secretaries Sean Spicer, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and Stephanie Grisham, current spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany, and senior counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway.

Lane beeches us not to "let the chronic liars cash in on their dishonesty."

Alluding to book deals by previous White House spokesmen, he said "Trump’s liars don’t merit that same golden parachute. Hire any of Trump’s fellow fabulists, and Forbes will assume that everything your company or firm talks about is a lie." (Note: the Forbes family no longer owns Forbes the media company).

Hari Sevugan, former senior spokesman for the Barack Obama presidential campaign, announced "We just launched the Trump Accountability Project to make sure anyone who took a paycheck to help Trump undermine America is held responsible for what they did." (Ibid.)

And Stuart Stevens, Mitt Romney’s former media consultant said that "At @ProjectLincoln we are constructing a database of Trump officials & staff that will detail their roles in the Trump administration & track where they are now."

He added that "they will be held accountable & not allowed to pretend they were not involved."

The Serbian war criminals hunted down by The Hague never received such scrutiny.

The Daily Mail reports that JP Morgan , Citibank, Marriott, the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association and the parent company of Commerce Bank have all said "they too are suspending donations to the group dubbed 'the treason caucus' by critics." (The Treason Caucus apparently includes Republican Senators who voted not to certify the Electoral College votes.) 

And, comically, Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., called for Senators Cruz and Hawley to be added to the no-fly list. 

The Daily Mail also reports that U.S. digital payments company Stripe is to also stop processing payments for Trump's campaign website following the riot." (Ibid Daily Mail)

For the president, the reign of terror has meant impeachment and seeing his e-mails, tweets, posts and texts banned from Twitter, Facebook, and Google.

When will it begin? It just did.

Now we ask where will it end?

Your Rights Will Go Away


Twitter 'Whistleblower' Leaks Shocking Video of CEO Telling Staff Actions Will Be 'Much Bigger' Than Trump Ban


A video released Thursday evening by Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe shows a man reported to be Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey talking about how banning President Donald Trump from the platform and vowing that Twitter will continue to engage in large-scale censorship of its users.

The video shared by O’Keefe showed Dorsey, whose identity was confirmed by Fox News, addressing employees about Trump’s permanent ban from Twitter on Jan. 8, which Dorsey said was the result of “real-world violence.” Dorsey also vowed coming actions will be “much bigger.”

The comments from Dorsey are disturbing, and they offer little clarity about whether any conservatives will be permitted to engage on Twitter in the future.

“We are focused on one account [President Trump] right now, but this is going to be much bigger than just one account, and it’s going to go on for much longer than just this day, this week and the next few weeks. It’s going to go on beyond the inauguration,” Dorsey said in the video.

“We have to expect that. We have to be ready for that. So, the focus is certainly on [the Trump account] and how it ties to real-world violence. But also, we need to think much longer-term around how these dynamics play out over time,” the Twitter CEO said. “I don’t believe this is going away anytime soon.

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“And the moves that we’re making today around QAnon, for instance, is one such example of a much broader approach that we should be looking at and going deeper on. So, the team has a lot of work and a lot of focus on this particular issue, but we also need to give them the space and the support to focus on the much bigger picture, because it is not going away.”

Dorsey then spoke of the tensions in the country after a challenging year and a contested election, although he did not go into specifics when talking to the Twitter team about the fractured state of the country.

“The U.S. is extremely divided. Our platform is showing that every single day, and our role is to protect the integrity of that conversation and do what we can to make sure that no one is being harmed based off that, and that is the focus. And that is the color we want to provide,” he said.

Do you think Big Tech is working with Democrats to suppress conservatives?
99% (115 Votes)
1% (1 Votes)

O’Keefe credited a “whistleblower” at Twitter for providing the video to him. Project Veritas indicated it was filmed Jan. 8, the day Trump was permanently banned from Twitter and two days after the Capitol incursion.

The threats from Dorsey must be taken seriously. Last week, Twitter silenced the president of the United States and purged tens of thousands of other conservative accounts in what appeared to be a coordinated effort by the company and others in Big Tech to stifle dissent.

We know executives at the Silicon Valley-based company and its competitor Facebook donated heavily to Democrats prior to the 2020 presidential election. With their political battles won, there is seemingly no person or entity to prevent these companies from continuing to target their political rivals.

Conservatives could be dealing with the possibility that in a week, after Democrats have taken control of the federal government, we could be left completely voiceless on platforms such as Twitter.

To make this all the more sobering, Amazon Web Services last week pulled the servers for the Twitter alternative Parler, leaving fewer places where conservatives can gather. That action was taken after Apple and Google pulled Parler’s mobile app from each company’s respective mobile app store.

RELATED: Innocent Man Suffers Modern Nightmare After Twitter Mob Wrongly Blames Him for Capitol Violence

Parler might never make a comeback, either, according to company CEO John Matze.

Asked by Reuters when the platform would be back up and running, Matze said, “It could be never. … We don’t know yet.” He later told the wire service, “I am an optimist. It may take days, it may take weeks, but Parler will return and when we do we will be stronger.”

Parler is currently suing Amazon.

Sadly, other alternatives, such as Gab, have been unreliable in the last week as those platforms are not yet able to support the sudden influx of social media refugees.

The Project Veritas video released Thursday is an indication that the Big Tech giants that have privatized and monetized our public discourse are only just beginning to push their weight around now that they’ve axed Trump.

Jamie Raskin Opposed Electors In 2017!


Unbelievable: Pelosi’s Lead Impeachment Manager Objected to Florida’s Electoral Votes in 2016 (Watch)

The following story is brought to you courtesy of Red State. Click the link to visit their page and see more stories.

With much fanfare and oohing and ahhing from the usual corners yesterday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) named the impeachment managers for the latest round of the Democrats’ impeachmentpalooza campaign against President Trump.

Among them were a who’s who of prominent #Resistance™ “leaders”, including Texas Rep. Joaquin Castro and California Reps. Ted Lieu and Eric “Honeypot” Swalwell. Here’s the complete list, per The Hill:

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), a former constitutional law professor, will serve as the lead impeachment manager. The others are Democratic Reps. Diana DeGette (Colo.), David Cicilline (R.I.), Joaquin Castro (Texas), Eric Swalwell (Calif.), Ted Lieu (Calif.), Joe Neguse (Colo.), Madeleine Dean (Pa.) and Del. Stacey Plaskett (Virgin Islands).

“It is their constitutional and patriotic duty to present the case for the President’s impeachment and removal. They will do so guided by their great love of country, determination to protect our democracy and loyalty to our oath to the Constitution,” Pelosi said in a statement.

Pelosi’s inclusion of Swalwell among the managers had many on the right speculating that it was her attempt at rehabilitating his tattered reputation in the aftermath of the deeply disturbing Fang Fang scandal that was first revealed in December 2020.

But it was her naming of Rep. Raskin as the lead impeachment manager that had conservatives reaching back into the way back machine and crying foul. Why? Because Raskin was one of the House Democrats who objected to some of Florida’s electoral votes in the aftermath of the 2016 election where Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton:

Here’s how the Palm Beach Post reported Raskin’s actions at the time:

One objection — raised by Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., and quickly ruled out of order by Vice President Joe Biden, who presided over the meeting — contended that 10 of Florida’s 29 electoral votes for Trump should be disallowed because the presidential electors held other offices in the state.

So … let me get this straight. Trump is facing impeachment for, in part, urging Republican members of the House to object to electoral vote counts, and Sens. Josh Hawley (MO) and Ted Cruz (TX) are being treated as “traitors” for their objections to some of the electoral votes and are being urged to resign, and yet the lead House impeachment manager himself objected to 10 Florida electoral votes in 2016 for Donald Trump?

Democrats are already facing accusations from Republicans that this is yet another sham impeachment process. Choosing someone as lead impeachment manager who in 2016 did the same thing Hawley and Cruz did in 2020 and that Trump urged Republican members of Congress to do will only further feed into that.

You really cannot make this stuff up. You simply can’t.

The First Of Many To Come


Black Lives Matter Activist Who Stormed Capitol on Jan. 6 Arrested, Charged

January 14, 2021 Updated: January 14, 2021

The Black Lives Matter activist who was seen storming the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 was arrested and charged, the Department of Justice said Thursday.

A newly released court filing says John Earle Sullivan, 26, told FBI agents last week that he was at the Capitol when the breach happened. He said he entered through a window that had been broken out. He also said he was present when Ashli Babbitt, an Air Force veteran, was shot dead by a U.S. Capitol Police officer as she tried to climb into the House Speaker’s Lobby through a window.

Sullivan showed agents some of the footage he captured inside the building, which he and others entered illegally.

Videos showed Sullivan and others breaking through a barricade, with the Utah man shouting: “There are so many people. Let’s go. This [Expletive] is ours! [Expletive] yeah. We accomplished this [expletive]. We did this together. [Expletive] yeah! We are all a part of this history. Let’s burn this [Expletive] down.”

He was later heard encouraging protesters to climb a wall to get to an entrance to the Capitol and was seen entering the building.

During one conversation with others while inside, Sullivan said, “We gotta get this [expletive] burned.” At other times, he said, among other things, “it’s our house [expletive]” and “we are getting this [expletive].”

Sullivan told U.S. Capitol Police officers to stand down so that they wouldn’t get hurt, according to the court filing (pdf). He joined the crowd trying to open doors to another part of the Capitol, telling people “Hey guys, I have a knife” and asking them to let him get to the front. He did not make it to the doors. He later tried to get the officers guarding the Speaker’s Lobby to go home, telling them: “Bro, I’ve seen people out there get hurt.”

Epoch Times Photo
A group of protesters enter the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021. (Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images)

Sullivan spoke to a slew of media outlets after the breach, including CNN and ABC. He told The Epoch Times that he took steps to blend in with the crowd so he didn’t “get beat up.” He said he’s known in the activist community as being a member of the far-left, anarcho-communist group Antifa. He denied being a member of the network.

He told The Epoch Times he knew of plans to storm the Capitol and that he saw them on “undergrounds chats and things like that.” He posted information about the plans on his social media, but didn’t inform the law enforcement. “I’m not a snitch,” he said.

Sullivan has posted in support of Black Lives Matter. He leads a group called Insurgence USA, which says it was founded in the wake of the death of George Floyd, a black man, in police custody in Minneapolis last year.

“The lack of care for the human life was unacceptable so we set out to end police brutality. We then set out to empower and uplifting black and indigenous voices,” the group’s website states.

Sullivan was charged with rioting and criminal mischief in Provo, Utah, based on his activities around a protest last year in which a person was shot and injured.

Sullivan was charged this week with unlawful entry, disorderly conduct, and attempted obstruction of law enforcement. He faces jail time if convicted.

Petr Savb contributed to this report.

So Where Do We Go To Get Deprogrammed?

 'There has to be consequences': Leftists call for Trump supporters to be punished, 'deprogrammed'

'There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogrammed'

Image source: The Rubin Report

On Wednesday's episode of "The Rubin Report," host Dave Rubin said he believes everything he's been warning against, fighting against, and even wrote a book against, is unfortunately happening now.

Dave discussed Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson and New York Times Magazine's Nikole Hannah-Jones, who agreed that there is a need for "millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans" to be "deprogrammed" and punished before the country should "move on to reconciliation."

"There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogrammed. It's as if they are members of a cult, the Trumpist cult, and have to be deprogrammed," Robinson said on MSNBC Tuesday.

"Do you have any idea how we start that process?" he asked Hannah-Jones.

"There has to be consequences. And then once you get those consequences … people have to take a second look at their actions, and they have to be afraid to do the types of violence that we saw last week," Hannah-Jones suggested. "What has long been the case in this country, is that we have wanted to quickly move on to reconciliation. We've always been afraid that if you actually punish those kind of white nationalist elements in our society, it will only make things worse. But, in fact, what history shows is not reacting, not forcing accountability, only emboldens those people and those movements."

Dave also talked about a controversial op-ed in Forbes, in which the magazine's chief content officer, Randall Lane, warned companies not to hire Trump officials, including White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany and former press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

"Let it be known to the business world: Hire any of Trump's fellow fabulists above, and Forbes will assume that everything your company or firm talks about is a lie," Lane wrote. "We're going to scrutinize, double-check, investigate with the same skepticism we'd approach a Trump tweet. Want to ensure the world's biggest business media brand approaches you as a potential funnel of disinformation? Then hire away."

Dave said he believes conservatives can, unfortunately, expect much more of this kind of behavior in the coming years.