Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Biden Shows His Fecklessness


Merkel Flips Off Biden’s Protest — to Buy Putin’s Gas,_Juli_2010.jpg
US Presidents Highest Ranked IQ (Guess Who's No. 1)

US Presidents Highest Ranked IQ (Guess Who's No. 1)



When the U.S. created NATO, a primary purpose of the alliance was to serve as a western wall to defend Germany against the 400,000 Russian troops on the eastern side of the Elbe River.

Seventy years later, Germany has decided to double its dependence on Vladimir Putin’s Russia for the natural gas needed to run the German economy, despite the opposition of her great protector, the USA.

The Biden administration decided to waive sanctions on Matthias Warnig, the ally of Putin whose company, Nord Stream 2 AG, is laying the pipeline beneath the Baltic Sea from Russia to Germany that is now 95% complete.

When done, Nord Stream 2 will make Moscow Germany’s principal supplier of natural gas, and cut Kyiv out of hundreds of millions in transit fees it annually receives for letting Russian gas pass through Ukraine to Germany.

Previously, Joe Biden and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken had seemed resolute in opposition. Said Blinken:

“We think the (Nord Stream 2) pipeline is a bad idea. It advances Russia’s interests and undermines Europe’s interests and our own. It actually goes against the very principles that the EU has set out in terms of energy security and not being too dependent on any one country, notably, in this case, Russia.”

As late as March, the Biden administration had made clear its commitment to complying with sanctions legislation put in place with bipartisan support in Congress, and had called on companies involved in Nord Stream 2 to “immediately abandon work on the pipeline.”

Ukraine is stunned and outraged. Its parliament, the Rada, has passed a resolution urging Congress to “use all available tools provided by US law to completely and irreversibly stop the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline by applying blocking sanctions against all participants in this Russian geopolitical project.”

Why did Biden and Blinken fold? Was it to set the table for the Biden’s June summit with Putin?

The decisive factor was probably that Nord Stream 2 is just about complete and America’s principal continental ally, Germany, is wholly committed to the project. Prime Minister Angela Merkel, who is leaving office this year, approved the deal with Putin’s Russia and her legacy is now tied to its completion.

Germany’s dependence on Russian gas is certain to grow as Berlin, as it plans to do, phases out its coal and nuclear power plants.

This raises a question about NATO, and the commitment of its 30 members to treat an attack against one as an attack against all.

Would a Germany that is doubling its dependency on Russia for the natural gas that fuels its economy be willing to go to war against that same Russia, and send German troops to fight alongside NATO?

Would Berlin be willing to declare war on its own gas station?

Biden's climbdown on opposition to Nord Stream 2 is startling from another standpoint. He and his team have shown themselves to be true climate change zealots who want to see gas and oil rapidly phased out.

On his first day in office, Biden canceled the Keystone XL pipeline, enraging the Canadians and killing off 11,000 American jobs. Biden then outlawed any new drilling permits for oil or gas on federal lands.

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer just told a Canadian energy company, Enbridge, it must shut down a controversial oil and gas pipeline that passes under the Straits of Mackinac, amid rising fears that a spill would be catastrophic to the region.

For 67 years, Enbridge has moved oil and gas from western Canada through Michigan and the Great Lakes to refineries in Ontario.

But Michigan now says that this one section of the pipeline is too risky to continue operating.

Earlier in May, America got a wake-up call about the vulnerability of its energy supply. Colonial Pipeline, which carries refined gasoline and jet fuel from Texas up the East Coast to New York, was forced to shut down after being hit by ransomware.

The attack was apparently the act of a criminal group, not a nation-state. But the damage done was considerable.

Half the gas stations in several states on the Eastern seaboard had to close when their gasoline pumps were exhausted by long lines of panicked motorists. To get their pipeline fully operating again, Colonial had to pay millions.

This demonstrated the vulnerability of the U.S. energy system and its new technology to the kind of cyberattacks that enemies far more serious than the criminal gang who launched the attack on the Colonial Pipeline could launch.

Fifty years ago, we confronted a grave threat to U.S. energy security and independence: an oil embargo imposed by the Saudis and other Arab OPEC countries in retaliation for Richard Nixon's military aid that enabled Israel to survive and prevail in the Yom Kippur War of 1973.

Are we still prepared for something of that magnitude?

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

The Fraud Slowly Coming To Light


New Hampshire Auditors Find Problem: Scan Counted 28 Percent of Test Ballots for GOP Candidates

May 24, 2021 Updated: May 24, 2021

Auditors who are examining votes in Windham, New Hampshire, may have discovered why initial results showed a discrepancy in the vote count for a Democrat candidate.

Republicans in Windham, New Hampshire won all four seats in the legislative election on Nov. 3, but a Democrat candidate, Kristi St. Lauren, requested a recount, which was granted because she lost by just 24 votes.

However, during a hand recount, it was revealed that she didn’t lose by 24 votes. Instead, the effort revealed that the GOP candidates had actually received 300 additional votes, while St. Laurent lost 99 votes.

An audit was carried out to determine why there was a discrepancy in the initial results and the recount tally. Now, the auditors involved in the process have said that they may have discovered the reason why.

“We now have experimental confirmation that if the contest is undervoted, a fold through a vote target can create a vote. None of the 65 ballots [were] marked for St. Laurent, but the machines interpreted 25 of the folds as votes for her,” wrote the Twitter account, WindhamNHAuditors, which is operated by auditors Harri Hursti, Mark Lindeman, and Phillip Stark. It later clarified that it was 75 votes, not 65 votes.

The account included a photo of the fold lines in the ballots that are believed to have caused the scanner machine to interpret the fold lines as valid votes.

“Something we strongly suspect at this juncture, based on various evidence, is that in some cases, fold lines are being interpreted by the scanners as valid votes,” Lindeman, one of the auditors, told WMUR-TV.

The auditors, in another tweet, found that another machine had an “even more dramatic problem,” only counting 28 percent of the 75 votes for each Republican candidate in the contest.

“Because if someone voted for all four Republican candidates, and the ballot happened to have its fold line going through St. Laurent’s target, then that might be interpreted by the machines as an overvote, which would then subtract votes from each of those four Republican candidates,” Stark, an auditor, told the station. “Conversely, if there were not four votes already in that contest by the voter, a fold line through that target could have caused the machine to interpret it as a vote for St. Laurent.”

St. Laurent told WMUR-TV that it appears that the fold frequently went through her name on the ballot, suggesting that’s the reason she received more votes during the initial tally.

“Wherever the fold happened to be was, I guess, most commonly through my name,” the Democrat candidate said.

One of the auditors cautioned that their work evaluating the election isn’t finished yet, saying that folding may not be the primary reason for the discrepancy

In a tweet on May 23, Hursti noted their “work is not completed yet.”

“While the folding seems to be a strong contributor it clearly is not the only factor,” he wrote. “For example: We have observed vastly different error rates on two machines processing the same ballots.”

Both AccuVote, the machines involved in the audit and vote, and the New Hampshire secretary of state’s office didn’t respond to requests for comment by press time.

Monday, May 24, 2021

"Whitless" Whitmer Does It Again!


Leaked Photo Captures Whitmer Breaking Her Own Guidelines Again


Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer appears to have mastered the modern Democrat Party’s credo: “Rules for thee but not for me.”

On Saturday, a maskless Whitmer was captured in a damning group photo violating her own coronavirus restrictions regarding indoor restaurant capacity limits and social distancing.

In the photo, published by Breitbart, the governor posed alongside a group of people sitting inches from each other around a table at the Landshark Bar & Grill in East Lansing.

The gathering included Whitmer’s chief operations officer, Tricia Foster.

The photo was initially posted on Facebook by one of the attendees, who later deleted it.

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The group of 13 violated Whitmer’s May 15 coronavirus order banning indoor restaurant gatherings of more than six people.

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“Consumption of food or beverages is permitted only where patrons are seated, groups of patrons are separated by at least 6 feet, no more than 6 patrons are seated at a table, and groups of patrons do not intermingle,” the rules state.

This is not the first time Whitmer has been caught breaking her own rules. As in the previous cases, a Facebook post led to her being busted this weekend.

Tori Sachs, the executive director of the Michigan Freedom Fund, said the Democrat has once again spotlighted her hypocrisy by violating her own restrictions while demanding that everyone else slavishly follow them.

“Last week, Whitmer refused to immediately end her ridiculous restrictions, like a maximum of 6 patrons per table for indoor dining,” she told Breitbart. “Now Whitmer has once again completely disregarded her own rules.”

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Sachs also blasted the governor on Twitter, saying Whitmer’s “capacity limits, patrons per table limits, curfews & other ridiculous restrictions need to end immediately. She isn’t even abiding by those rules.”

On Sunday — a day after she was slammed online for her hypocrisy — Whitmer apologized in a statement.

“Yesterday, I went with friends to a local restaurant. As more people arrived, the tables were pushed together,” she said. “Because we were all vaccinated, we didn’t stop to think about it.

“In retrospect, I should have thought about it. I am human. I made a mistake, and I apologize.”

Whitmer’s rancid hypocrisy wouldn’t be so despicable if her authoritarian rules weren’t so extensive and anti-scientific.

Not only has she imposed sweeping business shutdowns and lockdowns, but she has aggressively prosecuted anyone who defies them.

Whitmer’s dictatorial power grab has been so outrageous that Michigan courts have repeatedly ruled against her.

In October 2020, the Michigan Supreme Court ruled that the governor’s unilateral decision to repeatedly extend shutdowns was unconstitutional.

Four months later, a Michigan federal judge dismissed charges against six hairstylists who had cut hair in front of the state Capitol to protest Whitmer’s “unconstitutional” business shutdowns. Ironically, the judge was a Whitmer appointee.

Greg McNeilly, the chairman of the Michigan Freedom Fund, summed up Whitmer’s unhinged thirst for power best when he said her “permanent rules and restrictions won’t make us healthier and are malignant for our culture and communities.”

It is time for the country to return to some semblance of normalcy amid the destructive chaos unleashed by the Biden administration. Governors can start by rolling back unscientific coronavirus restrictions in all 50 states.