Wednesday, August 31, 2011

9/11 Tribute

With September 11 just around the corner, I think it is important to remember that 3000 Americans of all races, religions, and political stripes  who died on that day for one reason. They were Americans.  They had done nothing other than go to work or take a plane for business or pleasure. That was their misdeed.

The knuckle heads who commandeered the planes and flew them into the Trade Center, Pentagon and the ground in Shanksville, did not care about anything except they wanted to kill Americans. The sickness they have has not gone away in the past ten years. In fact it has gotten worse.  Muslim movements around the world have murdered thousands and it goes on every day. When will it stop?  Not until those of authority around the world decide they have had enough. When they (and we) stop making allowances for this radical political movement that covers itself in a religion.  It is indeed a wolf in sheep's clothing.

There will be time for more commentary on the movement in other postings. However, today I wanted to bring to your attention a fellow Michigander (from that liberal bastion of Ann Arbor) Kitty Donohoe, who wrote a song about 9/11 in the weeks following the tragedy.  I had never heard the song until today when a good friend forwarded it to me.  I think it is worth a listen.

If you know anyone in the entertainment business and can help Kitty get more exposure, I would appreciate it as I think her message is a good one.

The link to her site is

Thanks in advance.

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