Thursday, December 8, 2011

Our Representatives Are Stupid

Yesterday I wrote (Dems have it backwards!) that there were many legislators who do not read the bills they are passing. Today CNS reports that both McCain and Lindsey Graham did not know that the recently passed Defense Appropriations bill lifts language that bans beastiality and sodomy from the military Code of Conduct. CNS has two stories and the links are listed at the end of my rant.

Neither of these elder statesman of the Republican Party knew that the repeal was in the bill. Huh?  Didn't they read it?  I guess the answer is a resounding NO! Instead of being in a rush to deliver the bill, there should be time set aside to read and consider it, wouldn't ya think? Isn't the Senate supposed to be the deliberative house? Wrong again!

I serve on a couple boards of local organizations and I would not consider voting for or against an issue without understanding the rationale, the potential effects (both pro and con) and the necessity of the proposal. We are not dealing with big issues and I take the time, why are our representatives not doing the same when their votes effect every American?  It is beyond belief that we have dunces voting on issues about which they know nothing.

No wonder we are in such a big mess, our representatives are too busy raising money, getting graft, going on  supporter paid "junkets", sexually harassing their staff (they cannot be punished), and getting inside information (and acting on it--they cannot be punished ) to do the business we sent them there to do. That being the nation's business, not feathering their own nests. It is time to clean out the rats nest. Throw out the bums!

Below are the links, I hope you are as upset as I.
Conservative Tom

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