Monday, August 26, 2013

Can We Believe What Kerry And Obama Say About Syria

For those of you who know Conservative Tom, you must know that asking the title question is a vast departure from someone who used to believe what the government said. We took our leaders at their word and believed that they knew best since they had all the information.

We no longer are, shall we say, gullible.  In light of the NSA scandal, the IRS scandal and Benghazi scandal to name three, this Administration has proven that its word cannot be trusted. So why should we now believe what they say regarding Syria.

On the one hand, if Assad really did use chemical weapons on its own people, there is no place in Hell cool enough for him and he should find his way there expeditiously.  On the other hand, if it was the rebels or some other organization that used the gas and is now pinning the responsibility on Assad, to go after Assad would be immoral and very irresponsible.  

We are being told by the Administration that they have evidence that the Assad regime (we are no friends of them) was responsible. This is the same American leadership that told us Benghazi was about a video, that the IRS denial of tax exempt status was done by "rogue" agents and that the NSA was not spying on American citizens. Why should we believe them now?

For us to become involved (in any way) in the Syrian mess, we must be double darn sure that we have the absolutely accurate information.  This cannot be a 60% sure operation. We must be 110% right or it will blow back on us and any other country that also becomes involved taking out the Assad regime.

At this point in time, the Obama Administration does not have our confidence, nor should it have any other American's.  It has blown its credibility. And for us, we need to see incontrovertible evidence that we are doing the right thing. Otherwise, we should keep out of this civil war just like we did in Darfur.

Once we have that evidence, then any action against the Assad regime must be international in scope as the crime is a crime against all humanity.  In addition the lead units should be from the Arab League and not any Western nation, including the US.  If anything, the West should play only a support role leaving the main effort to the Arabs. Anything else will tell the Arab Street that the West is trying to take over their lands which will only increase the number of Jihadists.

The Syria situation is very dangerous and if not handled very carefully will cause the entire Middle East to explode as Syria and Iran have warned. Are Obama and Kerry up to the task? We hope so, but fear not.

Conservative Tom

Kerry Warns Assad, Saying Chemical Weapons Use in Syria Is ‘Undeniable’
Secretary of State John Kerry said Monday that the use of chemical weapons in attacks on civilians in Syria last week was undeniable and that the Obama administration would hold the Syrian government accountable for what he called a “moral obscenity” that had shocked the world’s conscience.
In some of the most strident language used yet by the administration, Mr. Kerry accused the Syrian government of cynically seeking to cover up the use of the weapons and he rejected its denial of responsibility for what he called a “cowardly crime.”
Mr. Kerry’s remarks, in a prepared statement he read at the State Department, reinforced the administration’s toughening stance on the Syria conflict, which is now well into its third year, and he suggested it was moving closer to a military response in consultation with America’s allies.



  1. We do have other sources of information, including "Doctors without Borders" who have been in there treating the victims. We will also have a report from U.N. inspectors.

    My problem with this is that it is another unconstitutional action. They can call it a "military operation" but, by international law, dropping bombs on another country is an act of WAR. Under the constitution, the president cannot unilaterally start a war with a sovereign nation without Congressional authorization.


  2. The UN inspectors are just arriving. The "Doctors Without Borders" only know that the people have been gassed, not who did it.

    This is a dis-stabilizing move by forces which want to change the world. Whether that is Russia, bank-sters, Saudi Arabia, al qaida, or whomever, we are too stupid to see what is going on.


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