Saturday, August 31, 2013

Even With Congressional Approval--Is Obama Misleading?

We are not so sure that even with Congressional approval, the President still could be misleading us and our legislators.  We should be very skeptical and demand independent verification of the facts.

As we posted last night, there are stories that the gas was supplied by the Saudis and was given to the rebels who mishandled the weapons.  Why have we not heard anything like that on the lame stream media?

It is because it does not meet the President's story that Assad did it. We cannot continue to believe the media as they do not investigate, all they do is regurgitate the White House.

This Administration has NOT earned our trust. If anything they should be dis-trusted.

Conservative Tom

Obama Wants Military Strike Against Syria, But Will Seek Congressional Approval
President Obama said Saturday that he had decided that the United States should take military action against Syria in response to a deadly chemical weapons attack, but that he would seek Congressional authorization for the use of force.
Mr. Obama said the Congressional leadership planned to hold a debate and a vote as soon as both houses come back in September.
He said he had the authority to act on his own, but believed it is important for the country to have a debate.


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