Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Fatwas Abound In Middle East--These Are Some Of The Best

Sexual Jihad And Spreading Crabs In The Name Of Muhammad

August 28, 2013 by  
Sexual Jihad And Spreading Crabs In The Name Of Muhammad
In Islamic law, fatwa is a legal opinion or decree handed down by an Islamic religious leader known as mufti. While the dictates issued in a particular fatwa are not necessarily binding, extremists have been known to act on the orders, often with devastating results.
One of the most infamous and widely-known fatwas was issued in 1989 when a novel penned by British Indian novelist and essayist Salman Rushdie irritated Iran’s then-supreme leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.  More than two decades later, The Satanic Verses author still lives with the threat that “good Muslims” on a mission toassassinate him could show up at any time.
In the Middle East, fatwas abound, but are often so absurd that they get little attention from Western media. But, with heightened interest in the current struggle between Muslim fundamentalist rebels in the Free Syrian Army and that nation’s lawful government— and the looming prospect of U.S. intervention on the rebels’ behalf— it is worth taking a look at some recent Islamic fatwas.
In June, while the Muslim Brotherhood shill Mohamed Morsi was still in control of Egypt, the country’s fatwa council issued a directive banning Muslims from hunting and killing frogs to sell.
According to Jihad Watch, “the fatwa explains, according to Islam’s prophet Muhammad as recorded in a hadith, a frog’s ‘croaking is praise [to Allah].’ Accordingly, ‘a number of jurists [fuqaha] have relied on this [hadith] to forbid the eating of frogs, under the notion that “that which is banned from being killed, is forbidden from being eaten.”’”
Other animal-related fatwas in the past have ordered radical Muslims to kill Mickey Mouse and to kill all black dogs, among some animal rights decrees.
Later in June, a fatwa was issued in the Syrian city of Aleppo to punish people who dare to eat croissants.
From a previous Personal Liberty post:
According to an interview at China’s English-language Sina news website, one man who’s frustrated with the growing post-revolutionary power of Islamist extremists in Syria explains how fundamentalists are tightening their grip on local rule to an absurd extent.
“Al-Nusra Front fighters come up every day with a new unimaginable fatwa, or religious edict,” such as the fatwa against croissants, said the Syrian, identified only as “Ahmed.” The fundamentalists claim croissants are particularly relished by European infidels as a celebratory food (because of their “symbolic” crescent shape), which they allegedly tear into with gusto to commemorate historic victories over the Muslims.
Syrians originally inspired by a revolution they hoped would ensure stability and expanded freedoms are now taking to the internet to criticize al-Nusra’s growing intolerance of behaviors that fall outside various factions’ interpretations of sharia law. Other recent fatwas have involved women drivers, unveiled young girls, smoking and even listening to music.
Two—dare I note, unfortunately timed—fatwas surfaced in media more recently.
According to Ahlulbayt News, an English-language Shia Islamic television channel, the Free Syrian Army issued a fatwa prohibiting the killing of lice in the Muslim beard or else “be punished with 50 lashes by Sharia.”
A translation of the order from the Sharia Authority in Aleppo explains:
The Sharia Authority in Aleppo has prohibited the killing of lice that appears in the Muslim beard, as some of the Muslim brothers who have released [grown] their beards in accordance with prophet Muhammad PBuH Sunnah [prophet's doctrine], blessed lice has appeared in their beards, and that’s because of their lack of bathing due to the water non-availability all the time on the Jihad [holy war] fronts, and they have limited to ablution before their prayers (may God accept it), thus their beards became moist and thick, which made of it (in God’s will) a natural place for lice to live in.
The Sharia Authority in Aleppo recommends the Mujahideen [holy fighters] brothers to dye their beards with Henna, like our prophet Muhammad PBuH, the thing that would reduce the itching caused by the lice, and to maintain this lice that would have not appeared in those blessed beards, if it was not from God’s Muslim believing creatures.
If the jihadists are to run around and be mercilessly shelled by the Syrian government all while having itchy beards, at least their sexual appetites will be satiated long before they reach Muhammad and all of those celestial virgins. That is thanks to a separate fatwa becoming popular in some Middle Eastern regions which calls on the widows of al-Qaida commanders and fighters to join the effort through “Sexual Jihad.”
The Assyrian International News Agency reported late last month:
Reports attribute the fatwa to Saudi sheikh Muhammad al-’Arifi, who, along with other Muslim clerics earlier permitted jihadis to rape Syrian women.
Muslim women prostituting themselves in this case is being considered a legitimate jihad because such women are making sacrifices–their chastity, their dignity–in order to help apparently sexually-frustrated jihadis better focus on the war to empower Islam in Syria…
… On the basis of this fatwa, several young Tunisian Muslim girls traveled to Syria to be “sex-jihadis.” Video interviews of distraught parents bemoaning their daughters’ fates are on the Internet, including one of a father and mother holding a picture of their daughter: “She’s only 16–she’s only 16! They brainwashed her!” pleads the father…
..While all these sex-fatwas may seem bizarre, they highlight two important (though little known in the West) points. First, that jihad is the “pinnacle” of Islam–for it makes Islam supreme; and second, the idea that “necessity makes permissible the prohibited.”
And the sex jihad is becoming increasingly popular throughout the Middle Eastern region, which is indicative of a big problem for the U.S. (a problem that has been evident to those paying attention for years) if the President decides to entangle the country in another war to help Syria’s rebels: al Qaida and various other groups of Muslim extremists are running the show in any area that the Western powers help to destabilize.
Via Alsumaria, an independent Iraqi Satellite TV Network:
A local official in Diyala province revealed that Al Qaeda Organization has asked the widows of its commanders and fighters to abide by “Sexual Jihad Fatwa” as a means of support to its guerillas; considering that such a Fatwa is transnational.
“Intelligence cells commissioned with monitoring Al Qaeda’s activities within Diyala’s borders have reported that the highly-ranked officials in the organization urged the widows of the commanders and members to abide by the sexual Jihad Fatwa. This Fatwa allows Al Qaeda’s women to have sexual intercourse with members of the organization to lift their morale”, said Al Khalis district’s administrative official, Oday Al Khadran in a statement to Alsumaria.
“The attempt to implement the Sexual Jihad Fatwa issued by clergymen that support the armed groups in Syria proves that such laws are transnational. This also points out that Al Qaeda’s course of action in Syria or in any other country is closely related to the events that are taking place in Iraq”, he added.
The President of the United States will to contend that the Nation is on some great humanitarian mission when it becomes clear that a Syrian war (to, no doubt, be followed by an Iranian conflict) is imminent— but it certainly will be a lie. In reality, the U.S. will jump headfirst into a holy war in support of the very jihadists who, we are to believe, attempted to bring us to our knees just under a decade and a half ago.
Do you want your tax dollars used in aid of people taking orders from men who advocate such barbarism as forced copulation and the proliferation of pubic lice?

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