Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Gohmert Is 100% Right

Rep. Gohmert: Embassy Closures Make US Look 'Like a Bunch of Cowards'

Monday, 05 Aug 2013 06:24 PM
By Audrey Hudson
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President Barack Obama made the U.S. look "like a bunch of cowards" when he shuttered 19 embassies in response to threats of a possible terrorist attack, Rep. Louie Gohmert said Monday.

The remarks came as the Texas Republican was guest hosting for Sean Hannity's radio program discussing the current threat as well as last year's deadly attack in Benghazi.

"We don't want any more people to die," Gohmert said, according to The Hill newspaper.

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"But it brings us back to the question that [then-Secretary of State] Hillary Clinton asked, what difference does it make at this point?" Gohmert asked.

"The difference it makes is, that if you will bother to find out exactly what went wrong, why you didn't have security where you needed it, where you need security to shore up, what you can do to make sure that doesn't happen again, you don't have to close your embassies like a bunch of cowards that go running away," Gohmert said.

Gohmert said the U.S. should have held it's ground and warned that Obama's actions might actually invite an attack, as he recalled former President Bill Clinton's failure to take action after U.S. embassy bombings during his term.

"We didn't learn it then, by golly, we better learn it now or we're going to get hit again and we're going to look weak," Gohmert said.

The administration ordered the embassies in the Middle East and North Africa closed after al-Qaida communications were intercepted ordering an attack on Sunday.

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  1. Question for him: How weak would we look if 3 more U.S. embassies were bombed last Sunday? If that had happened, you can bet your last dollar that he would have been first to argue that they should have been shut down as soon as NSA got the intercept. It is impossible to turn 19 embassies into a military fortress overnight.

    Second question: Have any of these embassies accomplished a damn thing in any Arab spring country that benefits the U.S.? We VASTLY overestimate our ability to influence these governments. Even the two countries where we have invested trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives (Iraq and Afghanistan) show us no allegiance. My proposal: Shut them all down until a stable government exists in these countries. Save lives. Save money. He can call it "cowardly." I call it "smart" from a cost/benefit perspective.


  2. If nothing is bombed in Yemen in the next week, that will support an idea I have been thinking about. bin Laden never communicated by electronic methods, because he assumed they are all bugged by the Americans. Since the British and other countries have confirmed the validity of this intercept and removed their embassy people from Yemen, the question becomes, "Why did al-Zwarhiri send his message electronically?" I am thinking that he knew it would be tapped, but did it deliberately in order to create a panic. If so, it certainly worked as planned. Is this a crazy idea?


    1. David, I agree totally. This was a setup by Al Queda to create a panic and make the US look goofy.

  3. Third question: Who is looking weak after Obama intercepts his message, drone-kills four al-Qaeda in Yemen today, and they still don't blow up any American facilities by the end of Ramadan, as al-Zwahiri requested in his message?



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