Monday, August 5, 2013

NSA Scandal Starting To Effect German-US Relations

We expect that soon the US will have damaged relations around the world and not only with our enemies, but with friends alike.  So it goes with Germany and how they are distancing themselves from us over the NSA scandal's effects on that country.

Some will argue that this is the fault of Snowden and others will say that it is politically posturing by the German government.  We think that the latter has a part but we also feel it is necessary to maintain a spy organization around the world but NOT TO SPY ON AMERICANS.

When it comes to spying on those of us who live in the US, the government must not trample on our rights as citizens.  The NSA spying scandal does.  We cannot allow this to occur here without the necessary warrants issued by a legal court--which the FISA Court is not. FISA is a made up "star chamber" which grants nearly all of the government requests--that is a rubber stamp and not a court that looks out for our rights.

While we agree with Germany that friends should not be spying on friends, that is not the way of the world today. We must spy and once the Germans get off their high horse about this issue, they would agree. However, that is not adequate justification for our government spying on us, without warrants.

Conservative Musings

The following article discusses the manner in which the German government is handling the NSA spying controversy.

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