Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Republicans--No Need To Apply To Speak At 50th Anniversary Of King Speech

One would think that there would have been some attempt at impartiality by inviting another Republican when Former President George W. Bush could not speak due to his heart operation, but no, there were none invited. So they held their own yesterday which we understand did not come off very well.

That being said, it should be remembered that the 1964 Voting Rights Act would not have passed had it not been for a majority of Republicans in the House and Senate casting their ballots for it. To ignore that fact, is reprehensible, irresponsible and a slam to those brave individuals who made this landmark legislation law.  

Missing the opportunity to acknowledge the Republican contributions cannot be accidental. It is a purposeful snub by the Democrats who set up the celebration. Their desire is to perpetuate the lie that the donkey party is a friend to blacks in this country. It never was (remember the KKK was a Democratic voting bloc) and now its entire purpose is to enslave African-Americans and others by the use of government largess.

Americans on the dole don't know the Republican story and most Blacks do not care.  It is Uncle Sugar that gives them their "stuff" and they will vote for Democrats until the cows come home regardless of the destruction to their egos and self sufficiency that government payoffs make.

Until government " vote bribery" ends, the "givers" will get the votes from the "takers." It's just too hard to give up the free stuff!

Conservative Tom

Following surgery, Bush declines invitation to MLK event anniversary

By Mario Trujillo 08/28/13 12:35 PM ET
Former President George W. Bush declined an invitation to speak on the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington because he is recovering from surgery, an aide said.
Bush and his wife commemorated Martin Luther King Jr., who made his famous "I Have a Dream" speech 50 years ago, in a statement Wednesday that said honoring his legacy takes a commitment from everyone.
“Our country has come a long way since that bright afternoon 50 years ago; yet our journey to justice is not complete,” Bush said.  
Bush said President Obama’s story reflects the promise of King’s words. Obama will speak Wednesday afternoon. 
“There on the National Mall our President, whose story reflects the promise of America, will help us honor the man who inspired millions to redeem that promise,” Bush and his wife said in the statement. 
Bush underwent unexpected heart surgery earlier this month to open a blocked artery. Doctors found the blockage during a routine checkup and implanted a stent to relieve it.
Former Presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter will also speak in front of the Lincoln Memorial Wednesday afternoon. 
No Republican elected officials are slated to take the podium Wednesday.

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