Friday, August 30, 2013

The Bottom Line--Do We Trust This Administration To Tell Us The Truth About Syria?

If you can answer our question in the affirmative, then you should support the President. If not, then you should not. We have mixed feelings as we have expressed through this blog over the past weeks.

When you look at the issues that have dogged this Administration in the past year starting with Benghazi, the IRS scandal, the NSA scandal and up to Syria, we always have heard that it was no big deal. Benghazi was about a video, the IRS was a small group of agents, the NSA never spied on Americans and then the drip of information started and it always was bigger and uglier than initially presented by the Administration.  

We just don't trust these guys. Could they be telling us the truth, possibly. But just as the little boy who cried "wolf" learned, there have been too many instances of incorrect information presented as the "truth"  which turned out to be at best "massaged and spun" and not the whole ugly unvarnished truth. They have lost our confidence and we are not alone.

Kerry says read the evidence from "thousands of sources", yet the summary is only four pages long. We doubt the numbers, We doubt the Secretary of State as he has not been the paragon of truth starting with his exploits in Vietnam. We doubt the Administration.

There are far too many questions to believe that we are getting the truth. Could this only be a justification to go to war? You make your decision, ours is to vote against any action.

Conservative Tom

Kerry Outlines Evidence of Chemical Attack by Syria

John Kerry on Syria's Use of Chemical: A day after the British Parliament voted against military intervention in Syria, the Secretary of State made the case for U.S. involvement.
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Secretary of State John Kerry declared on Friday there was “clear” and “compelling” evidence that the government of President Bashar al-Assad used poison gas against its citizens, as the Obama administration released an unclassified intelligence report on the use of chemical weapons in Syria.

“Read for yourselves the evidence from thousands of sources,” Mr. Kerry said in aggressively laying out the administration’s case for strikes on Syria. “This is the indiscriminate, inconceivable horror of chemical weapons. This is what Assad did to his own people.”
Mr. Kerry said that more than 1,400 people were killed in the chemical attack, including more than 400 children.
A four-page intelligence summary released by the White House said the government had concluded that the Assad government had “carried out a chemical weapons attack” outside Damascus, based on human sources as well as communications intercepts. The suggestion that the opposition might have been responsible “is highly unlikely,” the assessment said.
Mr. Kerry said the administration had “high confidence” in the intelligence, much of which was being released to the public as he spoke. But he vowed that the government had carefully reviewed the evidence to avoid the kind of intelligence failures that preceded the Iraq war.
“We will not repeat that moment,” he said.
Mr. Kerry said the time for questions about what happened in Syria had passed.
“The question is whether we — we collectively — what are we and the world going to do about it?” Mr. Kerry said. He said that taking action in the face of the use of chemical weapons “matters deeply to the credibility and the future interests of the United States.”
Mr. Kerry acknowledged that the public in the United States was weary of war, saying that he, too, was tired after the years of military conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. But he said that should not be used as an excuse not to act.
“Fatigue does not absolve us of our responsibility,” he declared. “Just longing for peace does not necessarily bring it about.”
American intelligence agencies in the three days before the Aug. 21 attack detected signs of activities by the Syrian authorities “associated with preparations for a chemical weapons attack,” the assessment said. Syrian chemical weapons personnel were operating in the suburb of Adra from Aug. 18 until early on the morning of Aug. 21. On that date, it added, a “Syrian regime element prepared for a chemical weapons attack,” including the use of gas masks.
Spy satellites detected rocket launchings from government-controlled territory 90 minutes before the first reports of a chemical weapons attack. The intelligence agencies said they had identified more than 100 videos attributed to the attack, many showing large numbers of bodies with physical signs consistent with nerve agents, and they added that the Syrian opposition “does not have the capability to fabricate all of the videos.”
The agencies also said they intercepted the communications of a senior Syrian official who “confirmed that chemical weapons were used by the regime on Aug. 21 and was concerned with the U.N. inspectors obtaining evidence,” the assessment said. It added that on the afternoon of that day, Syrian chemical weapons personnel were directed to cease operations.
President Obama is preparing to respond to the chemical attacks with a limited military strike on Syria despite Britain’s refusal to participate in the assault and expressions of deep reservation in Congress and among the American public.
The administration has repeatedly said there is no question that the government of Mr. Assad used chemical weapons against his own people in an attack that killed hundreds of people.
That would cross the red line that Mr. Obama drew last year, when he declared that the large-scale use of chemical weapons by Mr. Assad would “change my calculus” about American involvement in Syria’s bloody civil war.
Aides have said that the president has not yet made up his mind about whether to strike Syria. But administration officials have said they will release an intelligence assessment about the use of chemical weapons in Syria by the end of the week.
Pentagon officials have moved warships and other military assets closer to Syria in preparation for a possible attack, which would most likely involve the use of cruise missiles. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has said the military is ready to execute any decision by Mr. Obama.

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