Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Undisclosed Obama Option In Syria

The one undisclosed option that Obama could use in Syria would be a drone strike against Assad.  Would the President take this action? What would the world reaction be? Would it be legal?

It seems ironic that there has been no news about using a drone against the dictator. We have heard about cruise missiles but not the most deadly weapon that Obama has in his arsenal..  Our belief is that if the President can get good information on the location of Assad, he will use this tool. It would be clean and leave very little "collateral" damage.

The President has shown that he relishes the use of this technology and has used it throughout the Middle East against al Qaida with relative ease and few condemnations from the world. This time it will be different, however,  as this is not a terrorist group leader but rather the head of a country.  We believe that world condemnation would be great. Leaders around the world would openly wonder if they might be next on Obama's list.

As to its legality, Obama has shown that laws make little difference to him as getting the job done his way is the only requirement that the action is needed.  As Nixon once said, "If the President does it, it is legal."  We believe that the current resident of the White House feels the same way. Laws are for everyone else, not him.

Normally, we do not go around assassinating heads of state, however, the claim will be that by "gassing thousands of Syrians, Assad is a criminal and no longer a legitimate head of Syria." The ends justify the means.  

We expect that cruise missiles will be launched within the next 48 hours (this blog is being written on August 27 at 2 pm eastern) and that there will be done attacks against the leaders of the Assad regime including Assad himself within a week. The planners hope is that with Assad and other Syrian leaders out of the way, the Muslim Brotherhood can then take over Syria.  Why they would want such a radical group in charge is anyone's guess but from where we sit that seems to be the goal.

We know that predicting foreign events from Detroit is a fools errand but this one seems so clear that your faithful fool is willing to make this prediction. As usual, we hope that we are wrong and that cooler heads will prevail, that international pressure will stop the violence and that there can be an equitable solution found before too many others lose their lives including Assad and his family.

Conservative Tom


  1. Tom, you've gone crazy again. This has zero probability of happening. I would offer my customary $20 bet, but I assume you still can't respond to posts.


  2. So why are we crazy? That Obama would use drones? That Obama would use cruise missiles? That Obama would kill foreign leaders? Believe he has already done most of those things. So please 'splain yourself.


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