Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Alcohol Prohibition Did Not Work And Neither Will Gun Prohibition

Gun prohibition such as the ban in Maryland will fail as quickly and as hard as liquor. People wanted to drink and people like their "guns and Bibles." The postscript will be the same. These "feel good" movements while they might have a basis in solving some of life's ills, always get perverted and used by the "believers" when they take the legislation to the nth degree.  It never works.

Some people will always abuse liquor but banning it only made it more enticing and more desired for the everyday person. It did not solve the abuse of women, the drunks in the street, or the financial tragedy that can result from its abuse.

The same goes for guns. While 99% of legal gun owners do not misuse the weapon, making them illegal will only cause those of us who want a gun to spend the money to get one.  An underground black market will develop where you can go out and purchase whatever you want. Mobsters and those who already do not follow the laws will be drawn into another very profitable venture.  Drug lords, robbers, rapists, fences will all find the new gun ban will not impede their ability to get the weapon of choice.

This ban will only effect the law abiding gun owner who tries to do the right thing. Just like liquor.

Those who think that banning weapons will make us all safer, are fools. If anything, limiting guns will make all of us less safe. Clinton banned guns on military bases and now we have two cases (Fort Hood and Navy Yard) where armed military personnel could have saved lives.

Every day there are stories where an armed citizen has defended himself and/or his family by employing a defensive tool, a gun.  These cases make sense to those of us who are smart enough to understand that guns don't kill but people do. Unfortunately, the do-gooders, don't see it the same.  They believe that a gun can kill on its own. 

Prohibition will not work, however, we should require everyone to own a gun, take the training (like driver training) before purchasing their weapon and require competency testing (like a drivers test) on a regular (like every four year) basis.  If we did that, gun deaths would drop.  The bad guys would know that most people carried their gun and attacking them might not work out so well!

Just our right wing, conservative opinion.

Conservative Tom

‘It’s Like Prohibition’ As Maryland Gun Buyers Hoard Firearms Ahead Of Next Week’s Ban

September 25, 2013 by  
‘It’s Like Prohibition’ As Maryland Gun Buyers Hoard Firearms Ahead Of Next Week’s Ban
With only a week to go before new gun laws that limit “assault weapons” and require fingerprints and licenses for handguns take effect, Maryland residents are buying firearms at an unprecedented rate.
The Baltimore Sun reported Tuesday that the last-minute rush to beat the gun grab has resulted in residents snapping up weapons at a rate of more than 1,000 per day, outpacing the same sales figures for the same period a year ago by a 7-to-1 margin.
“It’s like Prohibition. People want to get their guns before the law takes effect,” one gun owner told the newspaper.
“Everything that’s been banned, we’ve been buying,” said Daniel Brantley, another gun owner who’s been involved in protesting the new laws. Brantley and his wife have bought half a dozen guns over the past six weeks, including the maligned AR-15 rifle, as well as a number of handguns.
The last-minute push intensifies what has already been an extremely active retail market for firearms in Maryland ever since the new laws were passed. From The Sun:
Demand for guns overwhelmed the state’s background check system months ago, leading half of the state’s 314 dealers to release weapons to buyers without waiting for them to be checked out.
Two weeks ago, Gov. Martin O’Malley pledged all the resources necessary to help plow through that backlog of background checks before the new law takes effect Oct. 1. But the onslaught of purchase applications has virtually wiped out the progress made by an all-hands-on-deck effort launched earlier this month.
Starting Oct. 1, prospective handgun buyers in Maryland will be required to submit their fingerprints for a State-managed database, complete a mandatory safety course and obtain a license. The handgun registry makes Maryland the fifth U.S. State that tracks lawful gun owners. In addition, residents won’t be able to legally purchase ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. The sale of AR-15s, along with more than 40 other so-called “assault” weapons, will also be outlawed.
The Maryland Legislature passed the “Firearm Safety Act of 2013” in May amid a series of heavy debates in both legislative chambers that stretched late into the night. Governor Martin O’Malley, who had pledged gun control as one of his key objectives for this year’s legislative session, signed the law on May 16.

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