Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Boehner: Leader Or Wimp?

Is Boehner the weakest Speaker that we have seen in years or is he a the best?  We think he is the former. Supporting  action in Syria is an error and one that will bring the entire Middle East into conflict.  We are about to see an explosion of terror not seen since WWII.  

Boehner is today's Neville Chamberlain. He compromises with the President and has not been leader of the opposition. For that reason, the Speaker cannot get anything done and is weak and in our view, the worst Republican leaders for generations.

Republicans should dump him now.

Conservative Tom

Boehner Says He Supports Obama’s Call for Action on Syria
Speaker John A. Boehner said on Tuesday he would “support the president’s call to action” in Syria after meeting with President Obama and Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., giving the president a crucial ally in the quest for votes in the House.
Mr. Obama summoned Mr. Boehner and other Republican and Democratic leaders to the White House as he intensified his push for Congressional approval of an attack on Syria. Conservative House Repubicans have expressed deep reluctance about the president’s strategy, and winning Mr. Boehner’s approval could help the president make inroads with a group thta has not supported him on most issues in the past.,
For Mr. Obama, who leaves on Tuesday evening for a three-day trip to Sweden and Russia, it is the next phase in a White House lobbying campaign that will have to extend beyond hawks like Mr. McCain to persuade lawmakers who are reluctant to get involved militarily in Syria.



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