Monday, September 23, 2013

Gun Lies, Gun Anti-Gunners and Navy Yarad

Dem Strategist Pushes Gun Control, Claiming Armed Navy Yard Personnel ‘Just Stood Around And Watched’ As Massacre Unfolded

September 23, 2013 by  
A Democratic strategist said in a recent MSNBC interview that guns rights activists are wrong in claiming that if more people were carrying guns, mass shooters would be stopped more quickly.
Strategist Steven McMahon said, contrary to the National Rifle Associations’ assertion that the Washington Navy Yard shooting site wasn’t sufficiently secured, that there were plenty of Navy personnel with guns on the base. But, McMahon insisted, they just “stood around and watched” during the massacre.
“Wayne LaPierre talked about mental health; I think he ought to perhaps have — think a little bit more about that himself,” McMahon said.
“If he’s suggesting that there weren’t guns in the Navy Yard when this gunman walked in and shot 13 people, he’s crazy,” he continued. “There were guns everywhere.”
“This person walked in with an assault weapon and was able to get off enough rounds to kill 12 people instantly, or nearly instantly,” McMahon added. “Everybody with the guns stood around and watched, or apparently were unable to stop him.”
“The guns were present. It was a Navy facility,” he said. “It’s ridiculous.”
Of course, Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis didn’t have an assault weapon. The guns recovered, according to CNN, were a Remington Model 870 shotgun and two handguns.
Furthermore, guns are already banned in Washington, D.C., and on the grounds of the Navy Yard (per a February 25, 1992 Department of Defense directive, put in place under the Administration of George H.W. Bush, prohibiting most personnel on military bases from carrying loaded firearms), which is why Alexis was able to kill 12 and injure 14 before he died

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