Sunday, September 15, 2013

Help Conservative Tom Raise Money For Childhood Cancer--The Event Is Today!!!

Today is our event--Shave To Save--to raise money for childhood cancer. We wrote the details last week but wanted to remind everyone.   This is your final notice!

One of the charities where the money goes is the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS). They have made  spectacular advances against not only these two killer but many other cancers.  So when we raise money for LLS we fighting for all cancer patients as blood is the common element in many of these other diseases or it serves as the conduit for them to spread.

Can you spare a buck, a ten spot or whatever else that your heart dictates that you should do?

Thanks for your help.

Conservative Tom

P.S. You can make contributions at the event (12 mile and Halsted in Farmington Hills, MI from 3-5) or by going to the following link:
Thanks again.

P.P.S.  So far the keep the mustache people are ahead--so if you would like for me to cut off the mustache, please contribute or if you would not like to see me without a mustache, make your feelings known!!

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