Saturday, September 14, 2013

Obama Destroys His Voter Base

The Damage Obama Has Done To Black Americans

September 12, 2013 by  

Hello, I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. I’ve written many times here about what President Barack Obama is doing to the U.S. economy, to business owners, to Americans in general. But today I will look at what Obama is doing to black Americans and his own most loyal supporters. It is, in a word: unimaginable.
It all starts with Syria. Why Syria? Why now? Until Russia interceded, going to war in Syria seemed the most important thing in the world to Obama and his Secretary of State, John Kerry. They seemed desperate to go to war, at any costs.
But why? Syria has nothing to do with us. It is not threatening us. Its own war is a civil war with no “good guys.” How does America benefit from a war with Syria? Why did Obama suddenly decide a “red line” has been crossed when there are “red lines” all over the world, including the killing of Christians and the burning of 71 Christian churches in Egypt. Why is it so important to risk American lives to defend the Syrian rebels who are partners with al-Qaida, America’s sworn enemy? We didn’t go to war to avenge the murder of our own citizens at Benghazi, Libya, so why would we go to war to avenge al-Qaida deaths in Syria?
None of this makes any sense at all — until you realize it’s a massive cover-up: Obama’s WMD, weapon of mass distraction. Obama is desperate to cover up the facts about his dying economy and the damage he’s done to his own most loyal voters. Obama has destroyed the lives of the very people who consider him “the American idol.”
How bad is Obama’s economy? Forget the 7.3 percent unemployment rate that is reported by the government. That’s pure fraud and propaganda. That figure goes down only because hundreds of thousands of Americans drop out of the workforce. In other words, if you stop looking for work and go on food stamps and welfare, Obama says the unemployment number just got better.
The only truth about unemployment is found in the labor force participation rate of 63 percent. That’s the lowest in four decades. For men, it’s the lowest since record-keeping began in the 1940s. What this means is 37 percent of the able-bodied, working-age adults in America are not only not working, they’ve given up looking for work.
Even worse, an unimaginable percentage of those who are employed have only part-time jobs. Seventy-seven percent of the new jobs created since Jan. 1 are part-time jobs. That’s not good, folks. Studies show one in four part-time workers live in poverty, while only one in 20 full-time workers live in poverty. So millions of Americans under Obama who show up as “employed” are merely working their way toward poverty. And millions of others who have full-time jobs are working at McDonalds or are working as waiters or bartenders or janitors. Those are the only jobs left under Obama. The middle class is being slaughtered.
Here are the two most ironic points about this slow-motion train wreck called the Obama economy. Obamacare is the No. 1 culprit destroying real jobs. Business owners are done. No smart business owner in all of America will lift a finger to create a full-time, high-paying job with benefits. It just makes no economic sense anymore. So Obama’s signature achievement has not only created a part-time economy, but all those people in part-time jobs don’t have health insurance. This should be a “Saturday Night Live” skit. The man has created nationalized healthcare so that everyone loses his job and no one has health care. Insanity — unless your goal is to create an entire Nation of Americans living in poverty, dependent on government welfare.
Secondly, here’s the really sad, tragic and ironic fact of the Obama economy. Obama hurts the ones he loves. Obama’s policies are destroying the very people who elected and believed in him. It’s almost as if Obama is out to destroy his own voters. Let’s take a look at who is suffering the most from this Obama Great Depression.
Obama won the 2012 election with a razor-thin 51 percent of the vote. His biggest supporters were blacks (93 percent voted for Obama), Hispanics (71 percent), single women (67 percent), young people (60 percent) and those without a high school diploma (64 percent). This is the loyal foundation of Barack Hussein Obama. This is who made him President, without a single qualification except being a community organizer.
Now, let’s look at how Obama repays his loyal fans. New research out just last week proves that since 2009, income for black heads of households dropped by 10.9 percent. For Hispanic heads of households, it dropped by 4.5 percent. For single women head of households, it dropped by 7 percent. For young people (under age 25), it dropped by 9.6 percent. For those with a high school diploma or less, income dropped by 8 percent.
In dollar terms the numbers are even worse. Female incomes are down by $2,300 per year under Obama. Black incomes are down more than $4,000 per year. Hispanic incomes are down by $2,000 per year.
How about actual unemployment figures for Obama’s fans? We see the same results. Reported unemployment (a bogus figure) is 7.3 percent. But among blacks (93 percent of whom voted for Obama), it is an unimaginable 13.3 percent. Among Hispanics, it’s 9.4 percent. Among black youths, it’s 20.9 percent. Among teens, it’s 23.7 percent.
The black middle class is being destroyed. Black homeownership has slipped to the lowest level in decades.
But the worst statistic of all is the unemployment, plus underemployment, rate for college graduates under age 25: 18.3 percent. That means new college graduates (also big supporters of Obama) can’t find a decent full-time job in the Obama economy; at the same time, they are saddled with the highest student debt in history. That could be why we have the highest student loan default rates in history.
So what does a President, who couldn’t find a job if it hit him in the head, do to keep the masses of his own voters from revolting and rioting in the streets? Go to war.
Create a distraction. Make people look away from the scene of the tragedy. Create a “situation” that induces patriotism. Make the masses rally around the President. And if that “situation” happens to help unemployment by sending unemployed young people and minorities off to war, bingo! You’ve just hit the lottery.
That is the answer to the questions: Why Syria? Why now? How does this benefit America?
Obama’s war is a desperate attempt to keep his own most loyal supporters from noticing that his policies have ruined their lives and set their economic progress back decades. His policies have sent black Americans in particular hurtling back to the days of poverty and racial inequality.
Obama is desperate to keep his own voters from noticing he is the worst thing to happen to them in their lifetimes. His socialist policies don’t solve poverty, they cause poverty. And it’s no surprise. Socialism, income redistribution, big taxes, big spending, big unions and big government have caused poverty in every nation they’ve ever been tried. Obama, Mao Zedong, Josef Stalin, Fidel Castro, Huto Chavez. Same people. Same policies. Same results. They always hurt the masses. They always victimize their own voters. They always hurt the ones they claim to love. A sick, dysfunctional death spiral.
I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. See you next week. Same time, same place. God bless America and God bless capitalism. It’s time to fight for them both.

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