Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Obama To Make Russia-US Relations Even Worse At G-20 Meeting.

If the relations between the US and Russia could get any worse, Obama announcement that he is going to push gay rights at the G-20 meeting this week will not make them better.  One would think that this is not the time to make demands of the former Soviet Union when we will need them to help solve the Syrian and Iranian issues which are far more important than an internal social topic.

However, that does not seem to be the way that our President thinks. He seems to want to have the world ostracize us while he goes around the world pushing his own agenda.  This will only mean trouble in the future.

We see it developing on Syria. Neither the British, Arab League or Germany, to name three, are going to support any actions in Syria which leaves us out there by ourselves. As far as we have heard there is only one country willing to support us and that is...France.  (http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-202_162-57600962/syria-strike-partners-around-the-world-few-and-far-between-for-obama/)  However, knowing the French, it will not be long before they also pull back.

In the world today with its many problems, gay rights is not a top drawer issue. It is ironic that Obama plans to make it one with Putin while not discussing it at all with Arab or Muslim countries where being gay is a death sentence. Seems that would be a better starting point than throwing sand in the eye of an already uncooperative partner.

Many have asked if Obama is plain stupid, politically ignorant or a fool. We think it is just the opposite. He knows what he is doing and every step has been choreographed to reduce the stature of the US around the world and to economically devastate the country. He is well on his way.

What will the US look like in another three years? Hard to answer but the trend is such that it will take many years to rebuild what Obama has already destroyed. 

We have seen the gutting of our military, the cratering of the best health system in the world, an economy that refuses to rebound, scandals abounding every other day, our world stature reduced to a point where all but one country will support us in Syria and the list goes on.  Where will it go?  Who knows.  However, we know that it will make our country weaker.

This is the Obama plan. A world with the US as a minor player at best, a third world economy, fourth rate health care, a destroyed business environment with the highest taxes in the world and the largest government employee base. This is what is coming in the next three years.

Obama's push on Russia is not about Russia, it is about pushing them further away from us. To make them more important and to reduce our importance. If our President, in times of stress, emphasizes a minor (in the scope of the world) topic, it minimizes our value to the world. It is all part of the plan.

Conservative Tom

Obama Plans Gay Rights Push in Russia

Image: Obama Plans Gay Rights Push in Russia
Tuesday, 03 Sep 2013 08:57 AM
By Newsmax Wires
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With tensions between the United States and Russia already strained to the breaking point, President Barack Obama is preparing to press Russian President Vladimir Putin even more by meeting with Russian gay rights groups and human rights activists during this week's trip to St. Petersburg for the G-20 summit.

According to BuzzFeed, rights groups, including Coming Out, a St. Petersburg-based LGBT group, have been invited to meet with Obama on Thursday.

Human rights activists Lev Ponomarev and Lyudmila Alexeyeva, and legal aid non-governmental organization director Pavel Chikov have also been invited.

BuzzFeed also reported that the LGBT Network was also invited to the meeting at the St. Petersburg Crowne Plaza Hotel, along with Golos, a Russian election monitoring group that had received U.S. aid but was forced to disband earlier this summer under a new Russian "foreign agents" law.

The meetings are scheduled during a trip that has already been billed as highly controversial, given the two nations' opposite positions on Syria and Putin's recent decision to allow former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden to remain in Russia for at least a year, despite U.S. efforts to take him into custody for leaking top secret information on NSA data collection programs.

Obama and Putin had been scheduled to hold a one-on-one meeting during the G-20 summit, but Obama canceled that meeting after Snowden was granted temporary asylum in Russia.

The meeting with the human rights groups is not the first time President Obama has met with Russian opposition activists. He last met with non-governmental organizations representing various groups in 2009. But Thursday's meeting comes as the Russian government is cracking down on human rights groups, which it has accused of being in the pay of the U.S. government, BuzzFeed reports.

It also comes in the wake of Russia passing a new anti-LGBT law, which prohibits the promotion or display of "untraditional sexual relations."

When Obama was asked about the law during an appearance last month on the NBC's "The Tonight Show" with Jay Leno, he replied that he has "no patience for countries that try to treat gays or lesbians or transgender persons in ways that intimidate them or are harmful to them."

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