Friday, September 6, 2013

The Successes Of The Obama Administration--Ruinous For The US

White House Down

September 5, 2013 by  

Hello. I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. Have you seen the movies “White House Down” or “Olympus Has Fallen”? These movies are about terrorists taking over the White House and kidnapping the President. But Barack Obama proves you don’t need Russia or China or North Korea or radical Muslim terrorists to take down the White House and destroy the Presidency. Obama is doing it all by himself.
At Columbia University (class of ’83), my fellow classmates admitted they hated America, hated “the rich” and despised Judeo-Christian values. We spent our days discussing and debating their plan to destroy capitalism and radically change America from within by electing one of their own to the Presidency. Once elected, the plan was to overwhelm the system with spending, taxes, entitlements and debt. Capitalism would topple, business owners would lose everything and Americans would be brought to their knees, begging for government to save them. In that way America would become a socialist Nation.
Obama was one of my Columbia classmates, and it is clear now this is the very plan he’s implementing. With economic and moral carnage from coast to coast and now throughout the Mideast, it is clear the White House is down and Olympus has fallen – from within.
Just look at the facts:
In Egypt, 70 churches have been burned and many Christians killed by the Muslim Brotherhood, yet Obama says nothing. As a matter of fact, Obama’s White House spokesman made a joke about the killing of Christians in Egypt.
While the murder of Christians does not pass any “red line,” Obama is mortified when radical Muslims murder other radical Muslims in Syria. That passes Obama’s “red line” and triggers a desperate desire for America to go to war, spend billions of dollars we don’t have, risk the lives of our children to defend our sworn enemy, al-Qaida and risk starting World War III.
Unimaginable. Until Obama came along.
When George Zimmerman was found innocent of the death of Trayvon Martin, Obama quickly weighed in. Yet our President says nothing about the black-on-black genocide in the streets of Chicago (his hometown) or about the out-of-control black-on-white crime wave happening across America. Just recently, a white Australian baseball player was murdered by black youths in Oklahoma; a white 88-year-old World War II veteran was murdered by black youths in Spokane, Wash.; a 1-year-old baby was shot and killed in his stroller during a mugging by black youths in Georgia; and 12 black youths participated in a brutal gang rape in a Wilmington, Del., park. I’m waiting for Obama to call a press conference and say: “These two women gang raped by black youths in that park could have been my daughters. This violence by black youths must stop.” I fear I’ll be waiting for… eternity.
After all, this is the same President whose Equal Employment Opportunity Commission recently ruled that it is racist for employers to conduct criminal background checks on black job applicants because they might find out the applicant is a criminal. But the EEOC says it’s fine to do criminal background checks for white job applicants.
Unimaginable. Until Obama came along.
Under Obama, our Nation is so broke we no longer have the money for White House tours or to properly staff air traffic controller towers or to keep open our Top Gun training for Navy fighter pilots or to keep illegal immigrant felons behind bars or to keep pools open for military families. We even canceled fireworks displays at military bases. We’re that broke as a Nation.
Yet somehow we have tens of millions of dollars so our President can vacation in Hawaii and Martha’s Vineyard and go on countless golf outings. We somehow have $100 million for him and his family to take a trip to Africa, where he pledged $7 billion of our money to provide electricity for the citizens of Africa. Where did that $7 billion come from? And what about the millions of dollars for the Internal Revenue Service to spend on lavish conferences and the billions of dollars Obama is giving the Palestinians and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Oh, and don’t forget the money Obama has spent to arm al-Qaida and Hezbollah rebels in Libya and Syria, who will later use these same weapons to kill us. Actually, they already have. (See Benghazi.) They raped and murdered our own ambassador while using our weapons. Now Obama wants us to fight on their side in Syria.
Unimaginable. Until Obama came along.
Amazingly, while he arms Muslim rebels, our President wants to disarm American citizens. Funny, huh? But even that pales next to the shocking militarization of our own government agencies. Under Obama, the Agriculture Department and the Department of Education now have militarized SWAT teams. Homeland Security just bought 1.6 billion rounds of hollow point bullets — enough to fight 30 years’ of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Does Obama fear his own citizens?
Unimaginable. Until Obama came along.
In California, Democrats have proposed a bill to allow illegal aliens to serve on juries. Obama spends millions of our taxpayer dollars for advertising in Mexico telling illegal aliens in America they are eligible for food stamps. Billions of dollars in welfare payments are given to illegal aliens, disguised as “earned tax credits” — even though they pay no taxes in the first place. Our government pays commissions to “recruiters” to inform Americans it is their “patriotic duty” to sign up for food stamps.
Unimaginable. Until Obama came along.
Obama hands out free “Obamaphones.” The catch is they are all bugged. Big Brother listens to your every word.
Unimaginable. Until Obama came along.
And then there’s Obamacare. It’s such a train wreck even Obama’s most loyal supporters — unions — want no part of it. The head of the IRS testified he wants no part of it. Even the company Obama hired to promote Obamacare relies on part-time workers with no health benefits. Fast-food restaurants are partnering to share part-time workers, so no one falls under Obamacare. Obamacare guarantees there are no full-time high-paying jobs in America anymore. Economic disaster looms.
Unimaginable. Until Obama came along.
None of this should come as a surprise. Remember Democratic delegates booed God three times at Obama’s Presidential convention. And only days ago in Iowa, a Democratic activist opened a meeting with prayer, thanking God for the “blessing” of abortion. You can’t make this stuff up.
Yes, my fellow Americans, the White House is down, Olympus has fallen and America is being destroyed from within. Who needs terrorists? Obama’s plan is so much more efficient.

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