Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Syrian Invasion--A Major Mistake

If one needed to know the intents of the Administration in regard to the upcoming invasion of Syria, one only has to read the draft resolution on which Congress will be voting. From Politico: "However, the resolution does not specifically prohibit President Barack Obama from using U.S. ground forces to carry out this military mission, leading some Hill aides to privately complain that it was too broad and open-ended." (http://www.politico.com/story/2013/08/obama-syria-aumf-resolution-96131.html)

Should Congress approve the language (and we expect there will be a full court pressure to make sure they do), we can expect this Administration to use every tool in its tool box to achieve its goals. This will include men and materiel on Syrian ground.

Instead of it being painted by the Arab Street as a way to help those harmed by the Assad regime, it will enrage them and increase those who believe in Jihad by millions. The Imams will say this is another Muslim country being overthrown by the Big and Little Satan (even though Israel will not participate.)  

This is a colossal mistake. Americans, both military and not, will pay with their lives for it. 

Conservative Tom

John Kerry Puts His Flip Flops On, Can’t Decide Whether U.S. Needs Boots On The Ground In Syria

September 3, 2013 by  
Secretary of State John Kerry wants boots on the ground in Syria despite opposition from Secretary of State John Kerry.
Kerry told a Senate committee Tuesday that the Administration of President Barack Obama does not want the use of ground troops ruled out in a Congressional resolution on Syria. Minutes later, the Nation’s top diplomat reversed, saying that a measure prohibiting boots on the ground would be fine.
“This authorization does not contemplate and should not have any allowance for troops on the ground — I just want to make that absolutely clear,” Kerry said in response to a question from Marco Rubio.
But the White House draft resolution on the Syrian conflict clearly empowers President Obama to send ground troops to the civil war torn nation.
“What I was doing was hypothesizing a potential — it might occur at some point in time — but not in this authorization,” Kerry said in an attempt to explain his flip-flop.
“There is no problem in our having the language that has zero capacity for American troops on the ground within the authorization the president is asking for,” he continued.
Kerry said he simply meant that the President should have the ability to deploy ground troops in the event that Syria “imploded” or chemical weapons were attained by terrorists in the country.

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