Thursday, September 5, 2013

When You Are Incompetent, You (And Your Mouthpieces) Blame Someone Else

Carville Blames Bush for Situation in Syria

Thursday, 05 Sep 2013 10:12 AM
By Lisa Barron
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Democratic political commentator James Carville has once again pinned the blame for President Barack Obama's troubles on the Bush administration, saying Americans' lack of support for military action in Syria is a result of the Iraq war.

Speaking to Fox News' Bill O'Reilly Wednesday, Carville said that people are concerned about war in Syria because of the "incompetence of the Bush administration in Iraq."

After O'Reilly posited that "the element here…is that many people think that Barack Obama is incompetent and he do this," Carville said that Obama has "handled the Middle East pretty well so far. Bin Laden…"

The Fox host interjected, "Really? You really think so," pointing to the "mess" in Libya and Egypt a "defiant" Iran, adding, ""it doesn't seem to be any clear vision on the part of President Obama. He doesn't have—'here is what I want.' He doesn't have that."

"You know, what I would say and maybe a little bit of a different view here," Carville responded. "I think what really is freaking people out is the incompetence of the Bush administration in Iraq."

"You're going to blame Bush?" asked O'Reilly incredulously.

"Of course, the Iraq thing is why people have so much trepidation about going into Syria. They said the last time we went over there, look what happened," replied Carville. "I really think this has something to do with it."
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