Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Who Are The Idiots Who Still Believe That Obama Is Doing A Good Job On Foreign Affairs?

When 31% of the population still believes that Obama is doing a good job in foreign affairs, something is wrong. Is it our education system? Is it the press? Or are they just uninformed "low information" voters who will never say anything bad about Obama? We believe it is all three. 

This country has become one so involved in celebrity and sports that to think about something overseas, is "foreign" to many. We have reality shows, entertainment shows and sports talk. Most of these have higher ratings than those shows which talk about substantive topics.  

When most Americans cannot name who the Vice President is or correctly identify individual states no less where other countries are on the globe, this is an indication of the sad state of our schools.  How can we be citizens of the world and not know where other countries are?

Lastly, this country has become very polarized and these "low information" voters do not care about anything that their talking heads think they should. These news readers all come from the liberal side of the political spectrum and were nearly completely "in the bag" for Obama. So, of course, the news is made to make Obama look good. These voters lap up this pro-Presidential news like their favorite drink.

The key to a free society is an educated and informed public. Unfortunately in the US today, we have neither. This explains how a President can have weekly scandals and still remain in office. Today, he has nearly a third think he is doing fine in foreign affairs and nearly half believe him when it comes to domestic issues. This is bad. Obama should be in the 5-10% range in both categories.

This is just another indicator of the fall of the US. Sad but true.

Conservative Tom

CNN Poll: Obama's Foreign Policy Rating at All-Time Low

Monday, 09 Sep 2013 05:06 PM
By Jim Meyers
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A day before President Obama is scheduled to deliver a prime time address on Syria, a new national poll shows his approval rating on foreign policy has hit an all-time low.

Only four in 10 approve of the job Obama is doing on foreign policy, while 57 percent disapprove, according to the CNN/ORC International survey of more than 1,000 adults.

"President Obama's approval rating on foreign affairs has continued its steady decline - from 54 percent in January to 49 percent in April, 44 percent in June, and just 40 percent now," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. "This may be a troubling sign for a president who in past polls had always scored his highest ratings for his handling of foreign affairs."

Obama is pushing for congressional authorization for U.S. military action to punish Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime for allegedly using chemical weapons in the ongoing civil war in Syria.

The poll also found that just 31 percent of respondents approve of the president's policies and actions regarding Syria, and 63 percent disapprove.

The president's overall approval rating stands at 45 percent, with 52 percent saying they disapprove of the job he's doing. The 45 percent approval rating is unchanged from CNN's previous poll, which was conducted in June.

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