Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Why Do We Never See The Black On Black Crime--Media Bias

The Truth Behind The Exploding Trend Of Black Mob Violence

August 26, 2013 by Bob Livingston 
The Truth Behind The Exploding Trend Of Black Mob Violence
Christopher Lane was killed on Aug. 16.
The mainstream media is the propaganda arm of the state. It has a narrative that it must reinforce on behalf of the state. All information contrary to that narrative is discarded and/or suppressed. Those who stray from the official line are harshly dealt with. (See Amber Lyon, Sharyl Attkisson, Glenn Greenwald and Helen Thomas.)
Last week, as we learned of the assassination of Chris Lane by a trio of amoral predatory racist gangster wannabes looking for street cred, a fact was curiously missing from mainstream media accounts: the race of the thug racist assassins and the victim. From the big networks we learned only the suspects came from the “seedier” side of town and that to satisfy their boredom they shot a man who happened to pass by at the wrong time. The shooters were not black and the victim was not white; he was a college baseball player from Australia.
The story that three black gangster-wannabes gunned down a white man for sport — choosing the victim because he was white and they believed “90% of white ppl are nasty. #HATE THEM” — was not the official story. Nor did the MSM tell us that the trio was also threatening a classmate who they planned to ambush and murder the same day.

Contrast that with the treatment of George Zimmerman, who was crucified by a media that cast Zimmerman as white (he’s Hispanic) and that selectively edited a 911 call to portray him as a racist who hunted down and killed a helpless and unarmed teenager out for Skittles and Arizona Iced Tea. The media ignored Trayvon Martin’s criminal past and the fact that Skittles and Arizona Watermelon Fruit Juice Cocktail — which is what Martin was actually carrying — are two ingredients for “Lean” or “Purple Drank,” a recreational drug popular in hip-hop culture.
Photos the MSM used depicting Martin inevitably were photos from Martin’s early teenage years — when he still had a youthful, cherubic appearance rather than the menacing, gold-toothed, gun-wielding glare that peered from behind raised middle fingers in his Facebook posts at the time of his death. Photos of Zimmerman showed a threatening, plumpish face with a five o’clock shadow of beard growth: again, a dated photo. It was classic bait and switch or doublethink.
The United States is suffering from a moral rot that has become endemic. This is by design. The moral rot is aided and abetted by the MSM, which not only encourages debasement but covers it up with doublethink and obfuscates its results.
Western governments, led by psychopathic Malthusiasts bent on population control and despotism, are working overtime to create a culture of death and depravity. Their efforts are advanced by a dumbed-down noneducation system, Hollywood’s death and consequentless-sex culture, secular humanism, collectivism and altruism — all of which lead to group consciousness and group response to authority. This leads to the acceptance of sexual perversion, destruction of the family, mass medication and inoculation, acceptance of government as democracy and the politics of envy, deceit, economic class warfare and immorality. Welfare, the entitlement mentality, unparented children left to raise themselves like animals pushed from the nest too soon and the abortion culture have dehumanized many of our youths. These are mental gateways leading teens to kill just to watch a person die.
Democracy is an organized system of political, moral and social control. It is the evolution and fulfillment of all systems gone before it. It perfects the New World Order for the ruling international elite. It is the master strategy of taking human liberty and individualism and transferring them to the group herd that clamors for authoritarianism.
Democracy is not freedom. It is not government by the people and for the people. It is the perfect disguise for benevolent totalitarianism. Americans in vast numbers just go along with the system, so its social and moral depravity prospers under the cloak of democracy. The people love democracy because they love evil more than righteousness.
We are now reaping what’s been sown, though you wouldn’t know it from MSM reporting. Media are ignoring the exploding rate of black-on-white crime. If the incidents are reported at all, the racial nature of the attacks is glossed over in a way that dismisses any chance that racism could be construed as the motivating factor.
Here are just a few of the dozens of recent instances you no doubt heard little or nothing about:
In New Haven, Conn., Brooks Macquarrie was test-driving a scooter when he stopped at a red light. A group of blacks approached him, including one with an “angry look” in his eye who was riding a bicycle. Macquarrie was hit in the back of the head. The next thing he remembers is waking up in a hospital with broken ribs, a fractured eye socket, a broken nose, head injuries and 21 stitches. Police say he was hit by a car. Onlookers told a different story and said they saw two black youths riding away on the scooter, which has not been recovered. Macquarrie’s attack was preceded and succeeded by numerous attacks by black mobs on joggers and pedestrians in the area and around the nearby Yale University campus. Other instances in New Haven, including those on or near the Yale University campus, can be read here.
An 88-year-old World War II veteran named Delbert Belton was found in his car with serious head injuries in Spokane, Wash. He died the next morning. Police were looking for two black teenagers seen on surveillance video.
Black mob violence has become as prevalent in Memphis, Tenn., as it is in New Haven, if not more so, though the city’s newspaper and television stations refuse to acknowledge it. It’s especially violent at the city’s downtown Beale Street entertainment district, where nursing student David Santucci was gunned down by three blacks who did not even rob him. Santucci’s shooting occurred two days after and two blocks away from where Emily Anderson was assaulted and robbed at gunpoint by four blacks. In fact, mob fights, shootings, stampedes, bash robberies and armed robberies have become almost weekly occurrences near Beale Street. In the days before Santucci’s murder and while reporting on another Beale Street incident, a local television station called the downtown area “very safe” and said crime there was “rare.”
Thursday in Memphis, two blacks were being sought after a white man was doused with gasoline and set on fire.
In Pinellas County, Fla., cellphone video captured three black boys on a school bus viciously beating a younger, smaller white boy for about a minute before they opened the emergency exit and ran away. The bus driver, also black, may face charges because not only did he not intervene to stop the attack, but he failed to check on the victim’s welfare after if it was over.
Two white off-duty police officers from Minneapolis visiting Green Bay, Wis., were attacked by nine black men. Green Bay police were summoned but made no arrests, and the Minneapolis officers accused Green Bay police of “running a clown show.” In describing the incident, Minneapolis officers reportedly used the word “nigger.” They were subsequently suspended and their chief apologized to the people of Green Bay.
In Brunswick, Ga., in March, two black teenagers attempting to rob a white woman shot the woman’s baby as the 13-month-old sat in a stroller. During the trial for 18-year-old De’Marquise Elkins, co-defendant Dominique Lang, 15, said Elkins demanded Sherry West give up her purse and twice counted down from five before shooting into the ground, then into West’s leg and then shooting the baby. Elkins’ mother and sister have been charged with evidence tampering and lying to police in the case.
On his website, author Colin Flaherty documents dozens if not hundreds of recent instances of black-on-white crime and mob violence. As Thomas Sowell pointed out in a review of Flaherty’s book White Girl Bleed a Lot,  the phrase Flaherty used for his website and title of his book about the rise of black violence was uttered by a member of a black youth mob that attacked whites during a Fourth of July celebration in Milwaukee last year.
The ongoing nature of the rising violence is being suppressed by the MSM and elites who wish to cover the effects of their decades-long policies. Meanwhile, the elites push ever harder to disarm the populace — often using some of these very instances in their justification — and to create a nation of victims defenseless before the onslaught, hoping to force them to clamor for relief with the belief that only an authoritarian police state can provide it.

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