Thursday, October 10, 2013

Even A Stopped Clock Is Correct Two Times A Day. Taliban Nails It Even Though Their Intent Is Not Honorable

Topsy-Turvy World: The Truth In The Taliban’s Mockery Of Government Shutdown

October 9, 2013 by  
Reports that Taliban troops in Afghanistan are mocking the U.S. over the ongoing government shutdown indicate the terrorist group is as despicable as ever. The sad part is that their taunts are filled with true observations. It’s a very messed up state of affairs in Washington, D.C. when our greatest enemies have to exercise almost no imagination to mine our elected leaders’ behavior for propagandist fodder.
The Al Arabiya English-language news website reported Wednesday on a Taliban statement that made its way into foreign media outlets, featuring comments from an unspecified source within the Afghani militants who derided American politicians for “sucking the blood of their own people.”
The statement also contained the following remarks:
The American people should realize that their politicians play with their destinies as well as the destinies of other oppressed nations for the sake of their personal vested interests.
The insurgents blamed “selfish and empty-minded American leaders” and claimed they were guilty of taking U.S. citizens’ money “earned with great difficulty” and then “lavishly spending the same money in shedding the blood of the innocent and oppressed people.”
“Instead of sucking the blood of their own people… this money should be utilized for the sake of peace,” the statement adds.
If someone attributed those words to an American newspaper columnist criticizing the policies of any of our last four Presidents, no one would blink. And let’s be clear on this point: the Taliban deserves no sympathy for being right about anything. As the saying goes, even a broken clock is right twice a day. Statements like these are tailor-made to foster dissent back in the land of the Great Satan, and so they necessarily ratchet the terror rhetoric to a pitch that Western ears can discern. The “peace” remark is particularly risible.
But it’s an outright shame that Congress and the President, by their behavior, play into the hands of those who would cheer America’s utter undoing.

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