Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Homeland Security Now Contracting Armed Guards In Upstate New York--How Many Other Contracts Are Out There That We Have Not Heard About? What Are They Afraid Of?

DHS Looking To Spend $80 Million For Armed Guards

October 23, 2013 by  
As the elected class ignores the will of the people and pushes the Nation toward default, the Department of Homeland Security continues to exhibit signs it is preparing for a chaotic event or is training to make war on the American people.
We have previously documented the department’s mass purchases of weapons, ammunition, armor and training targets depicting average citizens (including children and pregnant women). Other sites have documented the department’s training operations like Operation Shield, in which the DHS Federal Protective Service unit posted armed guards outside a Florida Social Security office and required passersby to produce identification. FPS also posted armed guards outside a St. Louis Internal Revenue Service building during a Tea Party protest regarding the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups.
Now, DHS is advertising bids to contract with security firms to guard a variety of government buildings in upstate New York during public demonstrations and civil disturbances. The contract is expected to be for $75 million to $80 million.
The solicitation reads:
This acquisition is for approximately 380,000 hours of Basic Service, 20,000 hours of Temporary Additional Services and 3,500 hours of Emergency Security Services per year. Currently, there are an estimated 205 guards protecting approximately 95 posts at over 55 buildings. The estimated value of this Contract is between $75M and $80M.
The contracted guards, called protective service officers (PSOs), would be required to “be armed and some posts may require screening of visitors using X-rays/magnetometers.” The contractors would be deployed “to large and small-scale events such as natural disasters, civil disturbances, or other unanticipated events on an as-needed basis. The requirements under ‘ESS’ Contract Line Item Number (CLIN) may be ordered for anywhere in the geographic area covered under this Contract with little, if any advance notice.”
With the recent institution of exchange controls by major banks and the announcement of cuts to the food stamp program (and evidence of how food stamp recipients will respond, thanks to recent events), it’s obvious the elites realize that things could get dicey for them soon.

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