Thursday, October 24, 2013

Is The Truth Starting To Leak Out In Obama's Verbiage--Or.....

Commander In Chief Or Dictator?

October 24, 2013 by  
Three times recently, President Barack Obama has referred to the U.S. armed services as “my military.”
He said it first in August, according to a transcript posted by the White House: “But as I’ve already said, I have had my military and our team look at a wide range of options.”
In September, The Guardian reported that Obama said: “My military assured me that we could act today, tomorrow, a month from now.”
And on Tuesday, Obama concluded his remarks about Medal of Honor recipient Capt. William D. Swenson by saying: “With that, I’d like my military to read the citations.” Click here to read the transcript of the ceremony on the U.S. Army’s website.
Better yet, listen to the President himself. Tea Party News Network assembled this video, which features the three times Obama spoke the words “my military.”

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