Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Love To Be A Fly On The Wall When Health Companies Meet With The White House. Am Sure There Will Be Only Good Things Coming From the Companies After They Get Their Butts Kicked By Jarrett.


White House to meet with health insurers

By Elise Viebeck 10/22/13 07:20 PM ET
Health insurance executives are headed to the White House on Wednesday to discuss the botched rollout of ObamaCare's enrollment system. 

White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough and senior adviser Valerie Jarrett will meet with health plan CEOs on the same day that House Democrats will huddle with a key Health and Human Services (HHS) official on Capitol Hill. 
The chief lobbyist for health insurers, Karen Ignagni, will attend the White House meeting.
But Ignagni's group, America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), declined to provide further details about the insurance executives who are headed to the White House.
The meeting comes as the Obama administration struggles to fix problems plaguing the online enrollment portal where millions are meant to sign up for healthcare coverage. 
The stakes are high for insurance companies. The healthcare law charges them new taxes on the assumption that insurers will gain millions of new customers in the next several years. 

HHS has not released enrollment figures so far, but health insurers have reported that only a small number of people have successfully purchased policies on the marketplaces. 

The companies have also received muddled and confusing applications for coverage as a result of the enrollment system's problems. 

House Democrats will meet with Mike Hash, who leads the department's Office of Health Reform. 

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