Thursday, October 17, 2013

More Truth About The Misnamed Obamacare--It Is Really Becoming ObamaCrapCare

Obama’s Hometown Paper Takes Down President Over Obamacare: ‘Stop Blaming Republicans’

October 17, 2013 by  
President Barack Obama’s hometown paper, the Chicago Tribune, endorsed the Illinois Senator in both his Presidential election campaigns.
But the Tribune has had enough of Obama’s accomplishment numero uno – Obamacare.
The paper ripped into Obama this week with a blistering editorial takedown of the socialized medicine mess, saying the time has come “…for the Obama administration to level with Americans about what’s happening here. It’s time to stop blaming Republicans and start talking about what needs to change.”
Last spring, President Barack Obama said “there will still be, you know, glitches and bumps” in the rollout of the new system. But what we’re seeing now is no glitch or bump. There is a growing mountain of evidence that Obamacare has fundamental problems in design and implementation.
…The Department of Health and Human Services under chief Obamacare cheerleader Kathleen Sebelius has had three years to develop this system. It has busted deadline after deadline, all the while promising that the system would be ready on Oct. 1. It has overpromised and underdelivered. The excuse? Demand was unexpectedly high, crashing servers. Unexpected? Americans have been bombarded with marketing campaigns and news stories and outreach efforts on behalf of Obamacare.
The piece takes down Obamacare’s chief conceptual pillar – that mass enrollment will buttress the government subsidies program for those who can’t afford the full cost of health care – by pointing out the disincentive of skyrocketing costs for those would-be buyers who are just starting to realize how unaffordable the Affordable Care Act really is.
Those who have managed to browse the marketplace have often been hit by sticker shock. Take Adam Weldzius, a nurse practitioner and single father from Carpentersville. He sought the same level of coverage on the exchange as he and his 7-year-old daughter have now, with the same insurer and the same network of doctors and hospitals. At best, Weldzius found, his monthly premium of $233 would more than double. If he chose a plan priced at the same level, the annual deductible would be $12,700, more than three times his current $3,500 deductible.
The editors reiterate their call for the President to grant the same one-year delay that’s been afforded businesses and “special pleaders,” but even they acknowledge the stubborn Administration simply isn’t going to budge just to help out regular folks.
Read the entire piece at the Chicago Tribune’s website.

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