Wednesday, October 30, 2013

ObamaCrapCare Scares Most Americans!

More Than Half Believe Obamacare Will Make American Health Care System Worse

October 28, 2013 by  
A Rasmussen poll released today shows more than half of American voters sampled believe the implementation of the Affordable Care Act will ultimately damage the quality of health care offered in the United States.
The poll, which surveyed 1,000 likely voters by phone over the weekend, found that people are largely happy with the quality of the health care they have been receiving – although 52 percent don’t expect that to last under Obamacare:
“[M]ost voters (52%) still believe the system will get worse under the new law, while six percent (6%) expect it to stay about the same. Twelve percent (12%) are undecided,” the report states.
In addition, people are beginning to see the financial consequences of the way Obamacare affects the health care marketplace, with one-fourth reporting the law has forced their insurer to modify their health coverage – even though only two percent said they’d successfully signed up for an Obamacare plan through an online marketplace:
One-out-of-four voters (25%) say their health insurance coverage has changed as a result of the health care law. Two percent (2%) have signed up successfully for health insurance through the health exchange websites created by the new law, but given the problems those websites are having, 51% favor delaying the requirement that every American have health insurance by January 1.

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