Friday, October 18, 2013

ObamaCrapCare Survey Finds Many Will Pay Fine Rather Than Purchase Insurance

Gallup: Growing Number Of Americans To Opt For Fine Rather Than Compliance With Obamacare Individual Mandate

October 18, 2013 by  
It’s been more than two weeks since its rollout, complete with rolling sight crashes and ongoing sticker shock, and Obamacare isn’t gaining any popularity. In fact, the number of Americans saying they plan to forego government healthcare and pay a resulting penalty is on the rise, according to new poll results.
According to the results of a Gallup poll released Friday, 71 percent of uninsured Americans — Obamacare’s  primary target group — said they were “not too familiar” or “not familiar at all” with the Obamacare exchanges, despite a massive and costly government effort to get the word out.
Those Americans who are familiar with Obamacare are increasingly likely to say that they will opt out and pay a fine rather than sign up for Obamacare. Asked whether they were more likely to pay the fine or opt in to Obamacare in September, 25 percent of respondents opted for the penalty and 65 percent said they would go along with the Obamacare insurance mandate. Today, 56 percent say they will comply with the President’s mandate and 34 percent say they are more likely to opt for the fine.
From the results, Gallup deduced: “Oct. 1 marked a major milestone in the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, with uninsured Americans able to find and purchase health insurance plans that would move them out of the ranks of the uninsured and move the U.S. closer to universal health insurance coverage. Of course, the rollout of the exchanges has had its share of issues, and the Obama administration is trying to address these, to allow all who want to sign up for plans now or in the coming months the ability to do so.”

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