Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Obama's Storm Troopers Chase Dr. Ben Carson

When you cross the "dictator" he will unleash the para-military, strong arm and illegal agencies of government.  In this case, Dr.Ben Carson told the President what he thought of him and now for the first time in his life, he is being investigated by the IRS. Irony? Doubtful! The timing is too close.

Had this occurred during the Bush years, the news media would be all over this.  There would have been calls for his impeachment by using government agencies for political reasons. The silence by the media is very telling.

This government is in free fall. When the Senate will not pass a budget for over 4 years and  Harry Reid says that the House should just pass the continuing resolution regardless of the cost the the nation. All the while he even refuses to even  bring the House bill to the floor for consideration.

All the while, Obama refuses to negotiate or even consider anything the House wants. He wants to strong arm the Republicans while he sweet talks the President of Iran and sends his goons out to threaten and terrorize American citizens.  These are signs of a man who does not have the best interests of the US in mind.

Conservative Tom

Ben Carson's Obama Critique Prompts IRS Visit

Wednesday, 02 Oct 2013 06:58 AM
By Cathy Burke

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Former Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon Ben Carson reportedly got a surprise visit from the IRS after he sharply criticized Washington public policy, including Obamacare, at a gathering that included President Barack Obama.

Carson told business leaders and elected officials in Alabama on Monday night that his first-ever "encounter" with the agency followed his fiery speech at a National Prayer Breakfast in February, Yellow Hammer News reported.

The February speech went viral on YouTube because the biting critique of major White House policies, including taxation and Obamacare, was calmly delivered with Obama sitting just a few feet away, The Daily Caller reported Tuesday.

Although the speech made him a conservative darling, it apparently earned him a little attention from the taxman as well. The embattled agency came under attack just three months later, in May, when it was accused of singling out tea party groups for scrutiny.

Carson never divulged the outcome of his visit from the IRS.

The scandal-scarred IRS, however, continues to be very much on the minds of Americans,new poll showed.

According to Rasmussen's survey, most Americans think the IRS broke the law by targeting tea party groups for harassment, but few expect it to be punished.

Fifty-three percent think the IRS broke the law by targeting the tea party and other conservative groups, like the voter-integrity organization True The Vote; 24 percent disagreed. But only 17 percent said it is even somewhat likely that anyone will be charged, while 74 percent said criminal charges are unlikely.

Veteran IRS official Lois Lerner retired last month amid congressional investigations into the conservative targeting by the taxman.

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