Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Government Shutdown Picture Will Always Be Remembered By The WWII Vets Going To Their Memorial Against Administration Orders! Bully!

What’s A Metal Barrier To A WWII Vet?

October 2, 2013 by  
As part of the government shutdown, national parks and Federal buildings were closed down Tuesday. But the metal barricades that blocked access to the World War II Memorial proved of little consequence to a group of WWII veterans from Mississippi on an Honor Flight tour.
“We didn’t come this far not to get in,” one veteran told Stars and Stripes.
So, aided by a few Congressmen and their staffs — including Representative Steve King (R-Iowa) who distracted a Park Police representative — the vets simply pushed the barriers aside and went in, ignoring Park Police instructions not to enter.
As the veterans walked or rolled their wheelchairs around the memorial, Park Police stood by and watched and onlookers cheered and clapped.
It’s a case of civil disobedience at its finest.
Update: The Obama Administration knew in advance the veterans were visiting the memorial and denied their request to open it.
The veterans plan to storm the closed Lincoln Memorial today.
Another Honor Flight scheduled for next week is being told that veterans will be arrested if they violate barriers to access closed memorials.

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