Monday, October 21, 2013

The Mess We Call Washington And How It Is Going To Effect You

The Phony ‘Fight’ And The Real Story

October 21, 2013 by  
The Phony ‘Fight’ And The Real Story
At the 11th hour and to the surprise of no one, right on cue, the self-proclaimed party of small government capitulated.
Anyone who remains lost in the false paradigm that there are two political parties is blind and divested from reality. There is only one party, and it is the government party.
The government shutdown that wasn’t was nothing more than so much theater. It was theater of the absurd.
The so-called compromise deal that reopened government signaled that the status quo big-spending, big-government, big-money-printing policies will continue straight through to collapse. Although a couple of politicians” took a stand” against big government (particularly against the Obamacare deathcare trap), there was no real appetite for fighting to shrink government or roll back any aspect of its increasingly intrusive power. In fact, the bill is laden with more pork than a bacon truck.
The so-called furlough of a few hundred thousand government employees became just a paid vacation for them. And in addition to a payoff to Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell in the form of increased funding for river construction project and other lucre, tucked into the bill is a charming nugget of $174,000 for the widow of deceased Senator Frank Lautenberg. Lautenberg was listed as the eighth wealthiest U.S. politician in 2011 (his net worth then stood at $55.33 million), so his widow is by now no doubt in terrible financial distress. Finally, the privileged elected class and their staffs will be exempt from Obamacare, while the more mundane among us are consigned to the death system of rationing and extortion. These facts all prove the system is set up to benefit the elites at the expense of the people.
House Weeper John Boehner signaled the shutdown was all for show in his post mortem comments: “We did everything we could to get [Democrats] to the table to negotiate. They just kept saying, ‘no. No, no, no.’ There’s just no reason for our members to vote no today.” He conveniently ignored the millions of Americans who were saying no, no, no to more spending in general and Obamacare in particular.
Most Republicans, particularly Senate Republicans, had signaled their capitulation early on. The “fight” was over before it began even though some, responding to voter support for Senator Ted Cruz’s efforts to defund Obamacare, at least gave lip service to the idea that they should attempt to try and delay if not defund the implementation of the deathcare systemthat is killing jobs and creating a part-time economy now and will be killing people soon.
The elected class and their bureaucratic enablers in the Washington, D.C., cesspool all suffer from a psychosis that allows them to lie and steal without compunction. They ginned up a crisis in order to keep Americans distracted while the Obamacare rollout collapsed, and they worked behind the scenes to craft a bill that will grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens.
Then they all agreed to reopen government until Jan. 16 and lift the debt ceiling through Feb. 7. Supposedly, House and Senate budget conferees are required to reach a budget deal by Dec. 13, but Washington found itself acting the part of fighting over the government shutdown precisely because there has been no budget agreement since 2009 and, therefore, no reign on government spending.
But with government funny money and phony accounting in play, a budget agreement is irrelevant. Additionally, all the sound and fury from the elected class resulted in only a 90-day “fix.” Crisis governance will resume after the first of the year unless some cataclysmic event occurs before then.
The United States was never in any danger of defaulting on the debt, because there is no real U.S. debt and there is no intention for it to ever be paid. Government can and does create money out of thin air. With this ability there cannot possibly be debt. And if there is no debt, there is no possibility of default. Until this is understood by the American people, the elected class will continue to abuse the system and use fear and confusion to rule over and subvert the will of the American people.
For proof of this, the so-called debt, according to the Department of Treasury, remained at exactly $16,699,396,000,000 for 150 straight days. Were this a true and accurate accounting number, such a thing would be impossible. The numbers are much like the green strips you carry in your pocket: Created out of thin air. But people believe this sham and the media never questions it.
In May, the Congressional Budget Office estimated the Federal government would confiscate a record $2.7 trillion in tax receipts in fiscal year 2013, which would surpass the previous record of $2.6 trillion in 2007. Yet despite this, Democrats are already signaling they want to use the budget conference to raise taxes even more to support even more spending.
The CBO also said in May that government spending is expected to hit $3.55 trillion in 2013. That represents 22.2 percent of gross domestic product, the largest share in decades.
The Federal Reserve is throwing $85 billion a month into the air. Americans remain ignorant to its effects. The stock market is irrational. It spikes on bad news, knowing that the Fed will continue throwing $85 million into the air each month for the foreseeable future.
This money benefits the banksters and Wall Street, but it is devastating the holdings of the savers and retirees.
Corrupt political and monetary fiat systems always self-destruct, as they always spend out of control. The U.S. government is engaged in the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world. Most Americans are oblivious. Government is stealing by devaluing the U.S. dollar. Creating these new dollars dilutes all the dollars in existence. This is economic war carried out in secrecy and under pretense.
Trust in government and its monetary system begins to give way as the facade of benevolency and democracy morphs into force, intimidation and confrontation.
The process is gradual except when the elite miscalculates and does things such as assess private bank accounts to pay for the corruption of the debt money system as happened in March 2013 on the island of Cyprus.
The increase of overt repression and intimidation — as we saw with the closing of the monuments during the “shutdown” — will alert more and more people to the crime of government.
Exchange controls are a sign of a failing regime. Chase Bank (aka JPMorgan Chase) has instituted exchange controls. Thousands of account holders received letters last week indicating they will no longer be allowing international wire transfers or cash deposits or withdrawals in excess of $50,000 monthly beginning on Nov. 17. JPMorgan Chase — along with the other “too big to fails” — is a primary shareholder of the Federal Reserve.
Then HSBC USA announced its clients will have to wait a minimum of five days to transfer funds to their own international accounts beginning Oct. 20.
These are the first signs that the collapse is getting closer. Exchange controls are emergency measures enacted to during times of economic distress and are precursors to wealth seizures by the State.
Your time to remove your money from banks is growing short. Get it out before the bank runs begin.
Protect yourself with gold and silver and stored food and supplies needed for survival. Guns and ammo are essential to own. We have very hard times ahead; but after the cataclysm, we can start anew.

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