Friday, October 18, 2013

We Hate To Break It To You Senator Reid, It's Not Legislating To Say No To Everything The Other Side Presents Or To Buy Off A Senator Like McConnell! He Is Such An Ignoramus.


Reid: I can out-legislate Cruz

By Mario Trujillo 10/18/13 02:12 PM ET
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said he might not be good at calculus, but he knows how to legislate.
Reid told The Huffington Post that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is smart, but he can’t outmaneuver the 26-year veteran in the halls of Congress. 
“He might be able to work a calculus problem better than I can,” Reid said Thursday. “But he can't legislate better than I can."
Reid and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) are credited with brokering the deal that ended the government shutdown.
Reid said the House’s decision to go along with a deal to end the shutdown after 16 days and raise the nation’s borrowing limit was a message to the freshman senators, asking: “What the hell are you doing?”
Cruz, along with a number of other GOP lawmakers, had pushed a tactic to use government funding as leverage to extract Democratic concessions on ObamaCare. Many within Cruz’s own party had criticized the plan as doomed to failure. 
Reid said Cruz is a “laughing stock to everybody but him” and said he pitied the GOP if the party saw him as a viable nominee for president in 2016. 
Reid echoed comments he has made before, asserting the Harvard-educated Senate freshman has a tendency to talk down to people, which does not work in the Senate. 
"Ted Cruz is smart," Reid said. "He has always been able to talk down to people. He is now in the Senate. People are as smart as he is. He can't talk down to anyone anymore. But he has still not accepted that in his own head. He still thinks he's smarter than everybody else."
Reid made almost an identical statement to Esquire magazine during the government shutdown earlier this month.

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