Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Wonder Where The Nigerian Email Scammers Have Gone--Cruz Says They Have Been Working On The ObamaCrapCare Site

Cruz: Obamacare Website Run By Nigerian Email Scammers

October 22, 2013 by  
During a speech this week in Houston rebuking Obamacare, Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) joked that the President’s glitch-ridden healthcare exchange website seemed as if it was being run by the same people responsible for Nigerian email scams.
“You may have noticed that all the Nigerian email scammers have become a lot less active lately,” Cruz said, according to the Houston Chronicle. “They all have been hired to run the Obamacare website.”
Cruz went on to address the criticism he’s been taking from Washington’s political class following his ill-fated attempt to halt Obamacare earlier this month, saying that his detractors are “party bosses” in Washington who don’t have the average American’s best interests at heart.
“People are saying mean things about me,” Cruz said, according to the Chronicle. “Who cares? At the end of the day, I don’t work for the party bosses in Washington. I work for each and every one of you. What they don’t understand is that we’re standing here together. We’ve got a problem in Washington. They’re not listening to the American people.”
Cruz said that the Democratic-led debt deal which ultimately ended his fight to halt Obamacare was nothing more than a Congressional attempt at Selling the American people down the river.”
“You don’t win a fight when your own team is firing cannons at the people who are standing up and leading, which are the House Republicans,” he said in criticism of members of his Party who went along with the deal.

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