Saturday, November 23, 2013

A Small Victory For Freedom Of Religion. Will It Survive A Supreme Court Ruling? Doubtful If Roberts Continues To Be Bought And Purchased By Obama.

Pittsburgh Diocese Wins Delay of Contraceptive Mandate

Image: Pittsburgh Diocese Wins Delay of Contraceptive Mandate
Bishop David Zubik
Friday, 22 Nov 2013 09:29 AM
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Catholic groups are not required to immediately comply with Obamacare's contraceptive mandate, a Pennsylvania federal court has ruled, scoring a win for those who object to the law on religious grounds.

According KDKA-TV in Pittsburgh, the Pittsburgh Diocese challenged the provision in the healthcare law which require employers to provide contraceptive health coverage to their employees. The diocese argued the requirement violates its religious and moral beliefs.

"The issue with the services in the mandate is that they either go against preservation of human life or involve the actual taking of human life," Bishop David Zubik told the court, according to KDKA.

Churches already are exempt from the mandate, but charitable organizations, including Pittsburgh Catholic Charities, are not. The diocese contends that the management of Catholic Charities should reflect the teachings of the church.

This latest lawsuit is one of dozens filed by religious organizations and business owners challenging the birth-control mandate.

Other federal courts have issued conflicting decisions about the constitutionality of the mandate, and experts predict the issue ultimately will be decided by the Supreme Court.

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