Friday, November 15, 2013

Did Some American Give Information On The Benghazi Compound To The Attackers? Was It A Member Of The Administration? Is This the Reason The Obama Cabal Is Refusing To Allow Investigations?

Congressman To FOX News: Benghazi Attackers ‘Knew Where The Safe Room Was’

November 15, 2013 by  

The late Representative Bill Young told FOX News last summer that the terrorists who attacked the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012, had details about the compound that included the location of the compound’s safe room.
“He confirmed this — that it was a very well orchestrated, and well organized, almost a military operation, using military weapons and using military signals,” said Young of David Ubben, a diplomatic security agent who was severely injured in the attack.
Young met Ubben when the two men were patients at Walter Reed Medical Center last summer.
“He emphasized the fact that it was a very, very military type of operation they had knowledge of almost everything in the compound,” Young told FOX about his conversation with Ubben. “They knew where the gasoline was, they knew where the generators were, they knew where the safe room was, they knew more than they should have about that compound.”
The Congressman spoke with FOX off the record, but his widow gave the news outlet permission to use his comments. Young died last month.

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