Thursday, November 21, 2013

Iran Has NOT Changed And Never Will As Long As Ayatollah's Run The Joint. US Leaders Refuse To Acknowledge The Facts As They Are.

US Refusing to Condemn Ayatollah Khamenei's Israel 'Rabid Dog' Comment

Yori Yanover - The Jewish Press,  November 21st, 2013

A senior U.S. administration official said that inflammatory rhetoric by the Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Wednesday was “uncomfortable” but did not condemn it as unacceptable, as the French have done, BuzzFeed’s Rosie Gray reported.
 “Of course I don’t ever like it when people use rhetoric that in any way talks about the U.S. in ways that I find very uncomfortable and not warranted whatsoever,” the official told reporters assembled in Geneva to cover Iran nuclear talks this week…
The official was asked about Khamenei’s address to the Basij paramilitary force on the very day negotiations on the Iran nuclear program were renewed in Geneva. called Israel a “rabid dog.”
“It came from the mouth of the rabid dog of the region—Israel—that Iran is a threat to the world! No, the fake regime Israel and its allies are the threat,” Khamenei said in his speech, broadcast on Iran’s Press TV with an English translation.
Regarding the nuclear talks between Iran and the P5+1 powers, Khamenei said, “We do insist that we will not step back one iota from our rights.”
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution “expressed regret” that certain European governments curry favor with Zionists who lack humanity. Here’s an ayatollah style regret: “…French politicians not only bow before America but also in front of the ominous and unclean Zionist regime and belittle themselves, and are a disgrace for the French nation…” Oh, yes, that’s regretful.
A French government spokesperson on Wednesday condemned the remarks, calling them “unacceptable” and saying that they “complicate” talks.

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