Saturday, November 23, 2013

Iran Wins The Lottery. Now It Can Produce Its Nuclear Weapons. It Fooled The West Again. Obama is America's Chamberlain.

The President made an announcement tonight that an agreement has been struck with Iran. It lifts some of the sanctions and allows Iran to access money that had been seized. In other words, the public relations efforts of Rouhani have been successful beyond Iran's dreams.

For those other Middle East countries that fear a nuclear Iran, this is a major setback. The agreement does not require any destruction of the centrifuges, no inspection protocols for nuclear sites or elimination of heavy water plants. Iran promises not to create nuclear weapons. What a terrible agreement!  Especially since Iran has never been a reliable partner.

Neville Chamberlain thought than an agreement with Adolph Hitler could satisfy his ambitions. The Prime Minister and the world lost that bet big time. This time is no different

Obama and Kerry believe that by reducing the pressure on Iran caused by the sanctions, it will make Iran thankful and cooperative. They also want to help Rouhani with his relations with the Ayatollahs who run the country. These are the dreams of inexperienced, naive and world politic unsophisticated leaders. In other words our President and Secretary of State.

Today's agreement will go down in history much like the one Hitler and Chamberlain did in Berlin. Nothing will be accomplished except that Iran will eventually get the nuclear weapons it so desires.

Add to this the ICBMs that Iran has been building, that will be able to reach the US, you have a world under the threat of weapons of mass destruction. To make it worse, they are controlled by religious ideologues that believe that killing infidels get you into heaven. How do you spell nuclear intimidation?

Additionally, it places Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt and other Middle East countries in a very tenuous position.  They all fear an nuclear armed Iran. Will this cause them to act in concert to destroy Iran's ability to create the nuclear weapons?  They must and they must act soon.

If they do, this will destabilize the world. We can place all the blame on Obama and Kerry. It is another case of their incompetence. 

Rank amateurs should never be allowed to have control of the levers of world power. We now see how it looks like. Better be prepared for some very terrible things coming our way. Thank you Obama and Kerry.

Conservative Tom

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