Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Is Life Insurance The Next Target For This Administration Once It Gets Health Insurance Solidified? Why Not Health Insurance Was So Easy!

Will the government take over the life insurance industry?Article added by Steven Kobrin on November 7, 2013
Steven Kobrin
Fair Lawn, NJ
Joined: August 21, 2010
Social Security ages 62, 66 and 70 are all wrong!
In my worst takeover nightmares, I could not imagine federal and state agencies matching the gigantic output that is produced by the private enterprise of the life insurance industry. However, once I understood the priorities of European-style social “democracy,” I realized that the government would not attempt to match our production. It would simply want to control it, and keep itself in control.

Our country is observing Veterans Day next week. This occasion is an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of being an American, and to savor our patriotic spirit.

Patriotism is a vital force when the country is threatened by enemies from afar; it is no less essential when our core institutions are endangered from within. Political commentator Charles Krauthammer sees such a danger in the current administration's attempt to nationalize health care. He describes it this way:
    “By essentially abolishing medical underwriting (actuarially based risk assessment) and replacing it with government fiat, Obamacare turns the health insurance companies into utilities, their every significant move dictated by government regulators ... Obamacare is government health care by proxy, single-payer through a facade of nominally ‘private’ insurers.”
If the government is allowed to take over health care and replace underwriting with social mandates, then it basically will turn medical insurance into an entitlement. And as has been stated by so many critics today, the future of existing entitlements is in jeopardy, so it makes no sense to add on obligations.

Which industry will be next?

Unfortunately, ideologically driven social change is not beholden to practicalities, and therein lies the peril. The determination to “fundamentally transform America” apparently calls for change at any cost, even if that change means a lower standard of living, an inferior product and an unsustainable cost. Not only that — as long as “big corporations” and “the 1 percent” are targeted for wealth redistribution, the viability of every American industry and institution is jeopardized. Those of us committed to the growth of the life insurance business — both producers and consumers alike — should take warning.
The views expressed here are those of the author and not necessarily those of ProducersWEB.

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