Thursday, November 28, 2013

Knock Out Game Is A Fraud Says Slate. Love To See What They Say When They Are The Victim!

Liberal Media Says Conservatives Exaggerating ‘Knockout’ Game Trend

Liberal Media Says Conservatives Exaggerating ‘Knockout’ Game Trend

Although the “knockout” game trend has been making headlines across the country for the last several weeks, liberal media outlets are claiming that this is a hoax and not a trend. The knockout game, which involves trying to render unsuspecting victims unconscious with a single punch, has resulted in several deaths and severe injuries. Noted civil rights leader Al Sharpton has even gone on record that the game is racist and labeled it “insane thuggery” in his most recent column for Huffington Post.
However, liberal sites like Slate are reporting that the knockout trend is a myth. 
Although they acknowledge that the knockout games exist, they are denying that the games have any racial motivation or are beginning to reach epidemic numbers. Write Alan Noble penned a blog for Patheos in which he stated that “Analyzing data is not as simple as watching some YouTube videos and Googling ‘knockout game.’”He continued by writing: “Here’s the fascinating thing about this ‘spreading’ trend: nobody seems to have any evidence that it’s spreading, or that it’s new, or that it’s racially motivated, or that black youths are the ones typically responsible, or that whites are typically targeted.”
Meanwhile, Bill O’Reilly spoke about the knockout games last week on The O’Reilly Factor. He said the games had racial motivation and could be linked to young black men who are “angry, they didn’t have a family and their father abandoned them. They’re acting out the street and they’re sold a bill of goods by the civil rights people that white society is the fault. Because you’re unhappy, it’s the whites doing it to you and so they’re whacking whites!”

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