Friday, November 22, 2013

Majority Rule In The Senate. No More Filibusters. No More Holding Up Of Appointments. Is This Good Or Mob Rule. We Believe The Latter

Andrew McCarthy: Senate Now Under 'Law of the Jungle'

Thursday, 21 Nov 2013 06:57 PM
By Bill Hoffmann
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It's "the law of the jungle" on Capitol Hill now that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has enacted the "nuclear option," giving Democratic lawmakers more power, former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy says.

If they can change this rule on a dime, they can change any rule on the dime … What that ends up meaning is that you basically have the law of the jungle," McCarthy told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.

"Basically Thomas Jefferson wrote the rules that the Senate operates under. They've been changed and tweaked over time, but you know we're dealing with rules that have been in effect for a very, very long time."

And if you've now struck a procedure where it only takes 51 votes to change the rule in effect you really have no rule because every time they don’t like them, they'll just change them."

McCarthy, former assistant U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, said he was disturbed by Secretary of State John Kerry's comment that there is common ground between the U.S. and Iran because the Iranian Embassy in Lebanon was recently attacked by al-Qaida.

"Iran has been attacking American embassies for 30 years and American diplomatic installations and American personnel overseas, possibly even in the United States," said McCarthy, author of "Spring Fever: The Illusion of Islamic Democracy.""In fact, the Iranian regime was born out of an attack in 1979 on the American embassy in Iran. So for Kerry to make a statement like that is sort of mind-boggling."
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