Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Manipulation Of Employment Numbers Is A Lie, A Deceit And A Fraud

More Obama Fraud

November 20, 2013 by 

More Obama Fraud
There is yet more fraud surrounding the undocumented usurper currently occupying the people’s house. Given that Barack Obama’s entire existence is based on a fraud, how can it surprise that his re-election was based on yet another?
From his birth narrative to his life in Indonesia to his youth spent in Hawaii to his Social Security numbers to his Selective Service application to his noms de guerre to his college life to his authorship to his “Hope and Change” to his “If you like your healthcare, you can keep it”: Everything about the man is a fraud.
For four years, he perpetuated the lie that people who had health insurance they were happy with could keep it. He knew every time he said it that it was a lie. Now we know that the unemployment numbers that came out in the September before the election were lies as well. And the lies were made based on orders from above.
The employment numbers were manipulated. But they were manipulated far and away more than the normal, “acceptable” manipulation that occurs month to month. And what’s worse, the Census Bureau knew they were manipulated and did nothing about it; and the orders for the manipulation came from the upper echelons of the Bureau.
As I and others have said many times, the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ employment numbers are cooked. The Bureau doesn’t count all the unemployed as being unemployed. They only count the unemployed seeking work. Once a worker drops out of the workforce, he is no longer considered unemployed.
The Census Bureau is under contract with the Labor Department to conduct household surveys to help determine the “official” unemployment rate. Given that Federal Reserve money printing is ostensibly based on what Helicopter Ben Bernanke determines is an acceptable or unacceptable level of employment, the unemployment numbers are crucial to U.S. financial policy. They were also crucial to Obama’s election, apparently.
According to The New York Post, as the November 2012 election drew near, Census employees were deliberately fabricating employment surveys. That accounts for the drop in unemployment from 8.1 percent in August 2012 to 7.8 percent in September — a number that most pundits thought at the time was unrealistic. Turns out it was.

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