Thursday, November 14, 2013

NSA Spying Goes From Main Street To White House To Every Nation In The World

Andrew Napolitano: 'Asinine' That NSA Even Spies on Obama

Monday, 04 Nov 2013 04:54 PM
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The National Security Agency, under fire for monitoring emails and phone calls of all Americans, is even listening in on President Barack Obama, former New Jersey Superior Court Judge Andrew Napolitano says.

"The president has used the NSA to spy on the cellphone of Angela Merkel, the chancellor of Germany . . . She also uses that cellphone to talk to other world leaders, among whom is the president, which means that the NSA is spying on the president of the United States when he is speaking to other world leaders," Napolitano told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.

"Now, how asinine is that, that he has dispatched his spies with such utter abandon that they not only spy on Angela Merkel, they not only spy on the conclave that elected the Pope, they not only spy on the secretary general of the United Nations . . . they spy on the president himself?"

Napolitano, a senior judicial analyst for the Fox News Channel, says the revelation shows "an incredible addiction to the use of secret government power" far beyond the reasons for which the law authorizes the use of that power.

"Spying on the president . . . may actually be illegal, because the president uses terminology and reflects national security secrets which the individual spies listening to that phone call may not be privy to," he said.

"If he knows that, he's spilling the beans in an unlawful way. If he doesn't know that, then he's presiding over a government of spies and killers that is utterly, utterly and totally out of control. Which is worse, that he knows it or that he doesn't?"

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