Thursday, November 7, 2013

Obama Will Fight For ObamaCrapCare Until The Very End. He Will Never Give Up. His Only Option Is To Delay Until The Democrats Control Congress After 2014

Scarborough: Obama in 'Bunker' Mentality

Tuesday, 05 Nov 2013 11:31 AM
By Wanda Carruthers
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President Barack Obama misled the American people to pass Obamacare and is now in a "bunker" mentality to defend it, talk show host Joe Scarborough said Tuesday on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."

"They knew that if they didn't mislead the American people, they knew if they said there's going to be winners and losers in Obamacare, it would never pass," Scarborough said. "He's in a bunker right now, because he over-promised."

Problems with Obamacare go beyond its website, but cut to the heart of the healthcare law, Steve Schmidt, Republican strategist and MSNBC political analyst, told the "Morning Joe" panel Tuesday.

"One of the things the White House is clearly insinuating is, 'Look, this is a technical problem. This is a website problem,'" Schmidt said. "This doesn't go to the heart, the structure of the actual entitlement — the flaws that are inherent to this."

Other concerns about the law will have a "cascading effect" as it "starts to fracture," Schmidt predicted.

"There will be a cascading affect of issues that haven't really been discussed yet, as this starts to fracture and come apart over the next couple of months," he said.

"The foundation of this legislation, I think, is in the early stages of collapsing," Schmidt added.

Democrats are paying a price for passing the law, Scarborough maintained, and more Republicans will win elections in 2014, as happened in 2010.

"They had to lie to pass Obamacare. And now, they're having to pay for this," Scarborough said.

"The scar tissue politically will elect a lot more people in 2014 that look like the people that were elected in 2010," he added.

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