Friday, November 8, 2013

ObamaCrapCare--The Gift That Keeps On Giving. We Now Find Out That Navigators Could Be Criminals!

Obamacare Criminals

November 8, 2013 by  
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Obamacare Criminals
The tragic farce that is Obamacare gives new nuggets every day. Now we know from Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius that there is no Federal requirement to perform background checks on Obamacare navigators and it’s quite possible some criminals have found their wayinto the system.
The term “Navigators” is Obamacare-speak for people who are supposed to help guide consumers through the process of selecting the right healthcare plan. This requires the navigator to obtain the consumer’s personal data, and that opens people up to the threat of identity theft.
Let’s see. The website went live with no encryption to protect personal information. The website’s terms of use state there is no expectation of privacy. Personal information is being sent to wrong person. A lot of “dodgy” organizations are serving as navigators.
And now it’s highly likely that criminals have been hired as navigators.
It is understandable that a background check for criminal behavior would not be required. After all, what is government but a gang of thieves?

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