Thursday, November 7, 2013

Obama's Nose Should Grow An Inch When He Starts To Talk. If His Lips Are Moving, He Is Lying

The Liar King

November 6, 2013 by  
“So it is with a heavy heart that I assume the throne. Yet, out of the ashes of this tragedy, we shall rise to greet the dawning of a new era… in which lion and hyena come together, in a great and glorious future!” — Scar, the usurper in the 2004 Disney classic, “The Lion King”
My late mother used to say, “You can trust a thief, but you can’t trust a liar.” If President Barack Obama has proven anything over these five years of his insufferable Presidency, it is that he is a liar. Given the regal regard that he has for himself and his court (Administration), Obama is the Liar King. He was probably born in Africa, just as the character Scar. And like him, Obama has evil intentions on remaking the land he governs.
Recently, two of Obama’s biggest and boldest lies have fallen under a spotlight.

The Benghazi Attack

We know now more than ever that Obama lied about this attack after the Oct. 27 “60 Minutes” program. Interviewer Lara Logan sat down with insiders who confirmed that the bloody attack on the U.S. Consulate was a carefully planned al-Qaida terrorist operation — not a spontaneous event triggered by a YouTube video, as the Obama Administration had claimed. Chris Farrell, a member of Judicial Watch, which is suing for records of the Benghazi, Libya, attack, told OneNewsNow: “This 60 Minutes segment really stripped away all the doubletalk and outright lies,  It completely disassembles the Obama administration’s cover story, their lie about what they were doing.”


On this one, the President cannot hide behind the pantsuit of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton or spread the blame as he has done with Benghazi. On this, the President let his titanic ego outweigh political caution.
On June 15, 2009, Obama said:
That means that no matter how we reform healthcare, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your healthcare plan, you’ll be able to keep your healthcare plan. Period. No one will take it away, no matter what.
Obama knew then that he was flat-out lying. He was lying to a Nation coming out of an economic collapse. He was lying to a tired and worried people, telling them that he was Santa Claus and that he would provide all the medical coverage they needed while cutting the national debt at the same time. Both were flat-out lies, and he knew it.
Of course he had a special reason to lie to the American public. It made him look good, and it would give him the progressive legacy that his ego so demands.
“If Obama could succeed where Truman, Johnson, Clinton and both Roosevelts failed, some officials contended he would have a historic legacy. He would accomplish a goal that the progressives had dreamed of, debated for, and demanded for more than a century. He would be the greatest progressive in American history. He would forever be the one who got it done,” wrote Richard Minter in his book, Leading From Behind: The Reluctant President and the Advisors Who Decide for Him.
To accomplish this, he had to become an adroit liar. It seems to come naturally to Obama — lying about his birthplace, lying to get into the best collages, lying to win the Presidency and even lying about his religious faith.
Last week, Bob Barr condensed Obama’s lies for Townhall under the headline, “Barack Obama: America’s Commander-in-Deceit”:
Obama lied about Black Panther voter intimidation in Philadelphia. He lied about his Administration’s role in “Operation Fast and Furious.” He lied about using the Department of Justice to intimidate journalists. He lied about NSA wiretapping. He lied about using drone strikes to kill American citizens overseas.
Then there is one of my favorites because it was so easy to spot. While in Africa in June, Obama said that National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden was not a priority in his mind and that he wouldn’t be “wheeling and dealing” to get Snowden extradited back to the United States.
When I heard Obama say that on the nightly news, I turned to my wife and said, “He’s lying!” Sure enough, in early August, Obama was so outraged that Snowden was granted asylum in Russia that he canceled a summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

By The Time America Wakes Up To The Truth, It May Be Too Late

Bob Woodward, the greatest reporter of his generation and the man that helped bring down Republican President Richard Nixon understands politicians and their lies. According to Woodward, who has been accused of being a “liberal icon,” the White House is a nest of lies and the apex of the Obama Administration’s “secret world” operates with impunity and outside the rule of law. Woodward, who has spent more than six years covering candidate and President Obama, concludes that Obama has created a cabal whose authority comes from “concealment and lies.”
So far, I’ve touched on only the lies we know. Yet if experience tells us that if a person will lie about some things, he will probably lie about a great many things — especially if it has been so rewarding to do so.
I believe this to be the truth: Obama is a fraud born in Kenya and protected by progressives and the mainstream media because he is the first black President. I believe Obama is determined to inject Islam and its Marxist tenants into America the way Adolf Hitler infected Germany with National Socialism. I believe Obama will use further lies to accomplish his egomaniacal goals, which may include remaining President beyond 2016.
If I sound deranged, read history. Some of the best and brightest of the 1930s, men like Joseph Kennedy and Charles Lindbergh, were convinced Hitler was an ideal leader for a new and progressive Germany. What hundreds of millions of people did not realize was the evil inherent in a dictator who was first democratically elected.
America is going through a tragedy right now, the kind that Shakespeare wrote. I could have referenced one of his plays, “Macbeth” perhaps. Yet I have always found Shakespeare too highbrow for my taste.  What makes Disney stupendous at storytelling is the way it distills Shakespeare to an easy essence and then gives it a happy ending. I write to you today also wanting a happy ending for a great people who deserve it: Americans who have been deceived by this president, by this Liar King.
Yours in good times and bad,

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