Monday, November 4, 2013

Students Nail Obama Regarding His Scandals. Maybe The Younger Generation Is Not As Out-of-it As We Had Thought.

Watch: College Students Beginning To See Through Obama’s Lies

November 4, 2013 by  
According to several University of Northern Colorado-Greely students recently interviewed by Campus Reform, there is no way that President Barack Obama was unaware of the numerous scandals that have plagued his Administration until the government misdeeds were revealed in news reports.
The students noted that the Administration’s continued reliance on plausible deniability when addressing public outrage over scandals like the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of conservative groups, the National Security Agency’s spying on world allies, Fast and Furious gun running, the Justice Department’s spying on reporters and how millions of Americans will lose their health insurance plans under Obamacare shows signs of an “incompetent” and “childish” American leader.
Many students interviewed simply believe that the President has willfully lied about the scandals to the American people.
“He just thought it would be a better idea to say ‘nope, didn’t have any idea,’ kind of like a kid would,” one student suggested.
Meanwhile, Obama’s approval rating hit an all-time low of 42 percent last week, according to an NBCNews/Wall Street Journal poll.

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